GROW Note Template

Help your clients set attainable goals and hold themselves accountable. Document their current situation, desired outcomes, potential obstacles, and action items to create a plan that works for them.

Document current challenges
Identify attainable goals
Commit to the actions
Ideal for:
Health Coaches
Naturopathic Doctors
Personal Trainers

Why are GROW Notes so important?

Let's take a step back: Why is setting attainable goals so important to begin with? Your clients come to you because they want to make a change in their life. It could be a change they've wanted to make for a while and are finally getting the courage to tackle. Helping them set attainable goals and track their progress is a key element of helping them feel a sense of accomplishment as they make positive changes to their lifestyle. GROW notes are a great, standardized method of documentation for this exact purpose.

Identify current challenges and obstacles

What do your client's lifestyle, diet, and other health habits look like now? Where do they want to improve? What might stand in their way as they strive for change? Knowing these things will help ensure you and your client are on the same page when it comes to the plan you create together.

Set attainable goals

Setting lofty goals can seem great at the time, but may be hard to reach for someone just starting out in their health journey. Small wins matter, and helping your clients set goals they think they can reach is a great way to build confidence in their new approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Document the actions that will get clients to their desired goals

Setting goals is one thing; reaching them is another. We can't just say "here are our goals" and expect everything will fall into place. We need to help clients set actionable daily tasks and help them build specific habits in order to see success. This GROW notes template gives your clients the agency to commit to these actions and allows you to hold them accountable.