
A better booking experience

Everything you need to make it easy for clients to book when they need you most.

two women sitting on chairs and chatting intently. one is taking notes.
a mobile product screenshot showing the calendar view in Practice Better

Stay in control of your calendar

Make yourself available to clients while maintaining a schedule that works for you.


Customize your service availability by time, method and location.


Set daily, weekly or monthly limits by service type.


Preserve work-life balance and avoid conflicts by integrating your personal calendar.

Empower clients to easily book

Eliminate the back and forth with a fully automated booking process.

a product screenshot of the screen where you enter your credit card info for an initial consultation

Reduce no shows

Get clients invested from the moment they book by requiring credit cards or deposits. Stay in contact leading up to sessions with automated text and email reminders.

“Having the ability to have clients schedule (and reschedule) themselves without going back and forth via email on appointment times made a huge difference.”
Meg Bowman
Clinical Nutritionist

Experience the platform that powers success for you and your clients

Try any paid plan free for 14 days.