March 19, 2020

5 Easy Steps To Get Your Practice Set Up For Virtual Consultations

5 Easy Steps To Get Your Practice Set Up For Virtual Consultations

With the uncertainty that we're all currently experiencing, one thing that remains very certain and that is that your services are more important now than ever. Your clients are still struggling with the same health challenges and they still need your support. This is the time to show up and shift with the current environment to build a more flexible and sustainable business. 

Virtual consultations are a healthy choice for you and your clients, as well as for your business! With the right tools, you can continue to work with clients and provide them with the support and guidance they're looking for. 

Here are 5 easy steps to transition to a virtual practice using Practice Better in a matter of minutes! 

  1. Sign into Practice Better
  2. Enable Telehealth/Video Chat for your Services (Starter plan and up)
  3. Edit your availability for Telehealth sessions
  4. Add your services to your website
  5. Let clients know!

Your Practice Management Platform

If you're already using Practice Better to manage your scheduling, payments, charting, client communication and more, then you're just a few steps away from being ready to embrace the virtual world and continue working with clients online.

If you're just transitioning to Practice Better, don't worry, you can still be up and running quickly! You'll first want to start with signing up for the Starter plan or higher to be able to work virtually with clients. Your next steps will include tackling the most important pieces required to start working with clients virtually - linking a Stripe or Square account to Practice Better, creating services, adding your availability, creating your initial forms and adding your services to your website! Here's an onboarding guide to walk you through A-Z.

Adjusted Services & Availability

During this time, your schedule may look different than normal. Whether that’s working alternate hours or at a different location, or perhaps your service offerings themselves are shifting. You’ll want to adjust how your services are offered (or even what services you’re offering) to reflect your new virtual schedule. 

If you’re just starting to work with clients virtually, you may want to consider requiring clients to pay for your services at the time of booking or at least requiring a credit card to secure their requested session so that you’re not stuck chasing payments later. 

Open For Business & Taking Clients

We also know that without brick and mortar locations, you still want your clients to know that you are open for business and can continue to support them. This is where the ability to add services to your website comes in.  You can add a link to your Practice Better Bookings Page, or embed a booking widget that allows clients to view your services and complete their booking right on your website. This makes it easier for clients to sign up to work with you at the moment they are learning about you and your services. 

Operational Update

One of the most important things you can do for your clients and potential clients is to let them know that you’re still open for business and what operational changes you’ve implemented to protect them and keep them supported during this uncertain time. 

Sending out a Broadcast Message is a great and easy way to let clients know of any major updates.  You can also leverage your social channels and email list to inform followers who may not yet be working with you of how your offerings might be changing and how they can start to work with you.  Include your Practice Better short link as a call to action to book.

It really can be that easy when you have the right tools! Are you ready to continue working with clients and helping them reach their health goals? 

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.