February 8, 2020

8 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Website

8 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Website

Whether you realize it or not, your website is an extremely important part of your business. It’s like the new first impression – people will often see it even before they meet or talk to you through a google search. So if it’s shiny, informative, and easy to navigate, your website has the potential to bring in new clients and make life easier for your current ones. You put so much blood, sweat, and tears into what you do – it would be such a shame if you were losing out on potential clients because your website isn’t up to par.

Before you start optimizing your website, get inspiration from around the internet – what are some websites you love? What are they doing that you aren’t yet? You can make a list of the features you like and don’t like. Now, visit your website with fresh, critical eyes. Maybe ask a friend to visit it too, and get their input. Pull out your list again and add what needs to improve.

To start, here are a few things you definitely want to include:

About You

You want this page to be as clear and concise as possible because people only want the necessary information upfront. Stick to the basics: your journey to helping who you help, who you work with, how you work, any relevant qualifications, and something that makes your business or practice unique. Save anything longer for your blog. Have a headshot? This is a good place for it!


Be sure to let clients know about the services you offer and when and how you’re available to work with them. If you offer a free call to potential clients, you’ll definitely want to include this on your landing page with an easy call to action to book that call or initial consultation. You can even use our Booking Widget right on your website that allows clients to book sessions with a touch of a button. Talk about streamlined.


Even if you don’t have any content yet, it is still a good idea to carve out where it will live on your website and its general format. A blog can work to establish you as an expert and help you gain the trust of new and potential clients. There are so many upsides to having a blog -- it can help your search engine rankings, social media, and overall content marketing!


Do you have questions you get asked all the time about your practice or services? Not many people are keen on picking up the phone these days so if you can answer the straightforward stuff right on your website, you’re already ahead of most!

Social Media Buttons

These are super easy to add to any website in a matter of seconds. If social media is part of your digital marketing strategy, you definitely want to put these in the same place on every web page, whether that is up top or in the footer. Just ensure mobile-friendliness and that you get your links right!

Contact Info

How do you want everyone to get in touch with you? Submit an application, by phone or email? Include it! Are you cool with potential clients texting you? Mention it! If you have clients come to you, put your business address (with a Google Maps link!) so you’re easy to find.

Client Portal Shortcut

Make it even easier for your clients to access their Client Portal by adding a button on your website that will take them right to the Practice Better login page where they can find their appointment information, journals, recommendations, and more.

Website Performance

Now that you have the basics down, here are a few more things to consider.

Let’s face it – everyone browses on their phone these days. How does the mobile version of your website look? Make sure it’s just as visually appealing and easy to navigate as the desktop version.

Does it take a long time to load? Page speed is directly related to how long people stay on your website. There are a handful of things you can do including reducing image sizes and deleting unnecessary plugins.

Is your website user-friendly and intuitive? Try to keep it as simple and clean as possible. A few tips? Plan your sitemap (decide what pages are going where) beforehand, fix your navigation bar so it is easy to find no matter where visitors are, ensure page titles are easy to understand and make sure your logo links back to your homepage.

And last but not least? Do a thorough copy edit by reading over every page a few times. Fix any spelling or grammar mistakes that you may have missed the first time around. And of course, double-check that all of your information is correct and up to date.

If your website isn’t optimized, you risk turning off leads before they even get to you and your services. That’s a missed opportunity if we’ve ever heard one. You have a lot to offer – don’t let your website get in the way of people finding that out for themselves!

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.