Automating Your Signature Program with Lexy Penney RD

Automating Your Signature Program with Lexy Penney RD

In our Practitioner Spotlight posts, we want to highlight all of the wonderful ways that our practitioners are using Practice Better to reach their business goals, whether those goals are to build a team, scale without burnout, or simply reduce time-consuming admin tasks. This month, we’re showcasing how a Registered Dietitian uses Practice Better to scale up her practice, help more people, and run amazing group programs that her clients love.

This month, we chatted with Lexy Penney, who has practiced as a Registered Dietitian for 11 years. The 33-year-old lives in Boston and has been running her private practice for five years. Lexy works primarily with women to heal disordered relationships with food/exercise and develop a more positive body image. She tells us she absolutely loves what she does and really can’t believe she gets to do it for a living!

To further her dedication to her clients, Lexy is going back to grad school to become a therapist, something she says will offer a big bonus to existing clients and allow her to help even more people in more diverse ways.

Let’s learn more from Lexy about her practice and how she uses Practice Better to automate her signature program and achieve healthy success.

What is your signature package, program, or offering?

My signature program is what I call the “Peace in 3 Method,” which is a three-month program with three main phases. In the first phase, called “Uncover,” we discuss the ins and outs of their relationship with food, their body and health, dieting history, eating patterns, etc. In step two, our work helps them to discover new healthier ways of thinking about food and their bodies, strategies and tools for self-care, and developing more positive self-talk. In step three, we empower them with the tools to make food and wellness decisions based on their unique self and what’s important to them (their values.)

It includes:

  • Weekly coaching calls 1:1 with Lexy
  • Messaging support between sessions with Lexy
  • Monthly group calls with Lexy & other clients
  • Peace in 3 Method ™ Workbook
  • Books mailed right to the client (up to three)
  • Personalized food & lifestyle feedback
  • Self-care kit – a gift!
  • Quarterly BONUS Guest Experts on group calls
  • BONUS text check-ins to keep clients motivated & moving forward

What is your workflow in Practice Better that allows you to facilitate your offering?

I have a free Intro Call booking widget on my website ( which includes a pre-booking form they must fill out before their call is accepted. I also have it set up so it doesn’t confirm the booking until I review their form answers and think they’d be a good fit for a call. This is a feature I really like about PB!

Which PB features do you use in the onboarding stage with clients?

Omgosh so many! So first, if they have qualifying insurance they’d like to use for their 1:1 sessions, I will send them an insurance verification form when I confirm their intro call booking which they must fill out before their intro call.

During our intro call, I pull up their intro call booking form and use the “notes” section of it to keep any important notes. I actually go through their form answers with them on the call which helps the flow of the call go nicely.

If we decide it’s a good fit, I’ll send them a PB-generated link to my booking page for the three-month program. Once there, they’ll enter their credit card info, sign a few forms (contract, expectations, etc.) and book their first visit.

Which PB features do you use in the “working together” stage?

I have clients fill out a check-in form which gets auto-sent two days before each follow-up, which I then autofill as part of the follow-up visit template. This template helps guide the flow of the follow-up session. This is probably one of my favorite features!

Another feature I really love is using Snippets during client sessions for their notes. So as we’re talking in session and something comes to mind I want them to read/reference I can just type {{ and a BUNCH of pre-loaded articles, website links, etc. will pop up for me to add to their note. Then, I share the note with them (only the parts I want them to see!) so they can see the snippet pieces I want them to check out before our next visit.

I use the Messaging feature with clients between sessions to check in on them, provide support, encouragement, answer questions, etc.

For our actual sessions (1:1 and group) we use the Zoom with HIPAA add-on PB feature which is SUPER convenient. I love how it sends out appointment reminders and I’ve never had a single issue connecting!

Which PB features do you use to help maintain client progress or communication after you've finished working together?

The only feature I really use after working with clients is a feedback form I have clients fill out to let me know how they liked our work together and to see how far they’ve come.

I also have a widget for just follow-ups on my site (

What makes Practice Better a great fit for you and your business?

Honestly, everything!!! I personally feel like each and every facet of my business fits SO well with PB and the features available. I know there are actually a lot of features available that I don’t use (like Fullscript integration) but for the features that fit well for me, they work really, really well. PB works really well for my personality type and since I have ADHD the seamlessness and auto-fill, auto-sent notifications, etc. work VERY well for me.

How has using Practice Better allowed you to build a successful business?

Prior to PB, I had used two other platforms that had a TON of issues. They were always short-circuiting, failing, having tons of glitches, and honestly cost me a lot of time, money, and energy I really didn’t have. One time, my calendar got synced with ANOTHER provider’s! Talk about a HIPAA violation!

I felt like the support was so awful and they took days to even respond. A friend told me about PB and how much they loved it, and when I asked about it on FB the positive response was overwhelming in a good way! Since PB has been 110% completely seamless, glitch/issue-free and has amazing customer support, the last two-ish years I’ve been using it I’ve seen a HUGE success. Switching to PB, combined with hiring business coaches, has allowed me to become finally financially independent and self-sufficient. The biggest win PB has given me is peace of mind. I don’t need to worry about it crashing or having issues. Things just work the way they’re supposed to and THEN some!

What advice would you share with other Dietitians looking to build a successful business and run their practices using Practice Better?

Ask for help! PB has amazing customer support/service. You’re in good hands and you don’t have to figure it all out yourself.

Also, watch the tutorials! There’s a lot of features available that could save you tons of time and just watching a quick 20-minute PB tutorial could help you figure out what those features are for you.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Lexy!

Woman smiling sitting on wicker chair

You can learn more about Lexy by visiting her website, and Instagram.

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