March 14, 2020

Chatting with Jen Miller, Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Practice Better Business Success Coach

Chatting with Jen Miller, Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Practice Better Business Success Coach

We chatted with Jen Miller, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and our newest Business Success Coach at Practice Better!

Jen runs a coaching business called Glowing Minds Wellness where she specializes in helping sensitive, high-achieving women build their resiliency to stress, and boost their emotional well-being. Her passion is to support women to align with their authentic selves, allowing them to thrive in life and work.

Can you tell us about your practice Glowing Minds Wellness?

My main service offerings include online group coaching programs and in-person events/workshops. I also do corporate wellness lunch n’ learns and presentations, which I love! I have a background working in corporate HR, which inspired me to start offering these sessions because I understand the culture firsthand.

My style of coaching is holistic and focuses on three main pillars - health, lifestyle, and mindset. This is based on a culmination of my experience and education in areas such as holistic nutrition, psychology, human resources, mindfulness, and manifestation. 

What attracted you to a career in Health & Wellness?

I’ve always had a deep curiosity and interest in human behavior and human potential. I remember going into Chapters with my Mum as a 12-year-old and getting lost in the psychology and self-help sections. I was fascinated with why people acted in certain ways and experienced certain emotions - especially myself! I was a very sensitive, shy and anxious kid, and experienced a lot of emotional bullying growing up. I was drawn to the WHY behind that and was acutely aware of how it pushed me to grow as a person. I always dreamt of helping others with their personal growth, though at the time I had no idea how that would unfold. 

I went on to take Psychology at the University of Victoria and absolutely loved it. It nourished my desire to learn more about mental health, mindset, and behavior. 

After graduating though, I felt a bit lost and didn’t know what I wanted to do for work. I still lacked a lot of confidence and was still in the process of figuring out who I was.  I ended up getting a position in talent acquisition and that’s where I stayed for the next few years! Although that was an incredible experience not only professionally but personally (it pushed me outside of my comfort zone like crazy), it didn’t feel totally aligned and at the 4-year mark, I knew I needed to make a shift. The high-stress environment had taken a toll on my health - physically, mentally and emotionally. I was definitely burnt out and my anxiety was the highest it had ever been. I started seeing a variety of holistic health professionals for the first time in my life and started to heal my nervous system and hormones. 

Although I was feeling MUCH better, I still knew something was off in my life and I felt stuck. My nature is to always grow and evolve, so I began looking for a new career path.  That’s when I found the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. From there, I went on to start Glowing Minds! 

My business started off with a general focus on health and nutrition but quickly shifted to focus more on mindset and emotional well-being. I found that the clients who were drawn to me most happened to be sensitive and dealing with a lot of stress, so I ran with that!

We’re really excited to have you join the Practice Better team! What are you most looking forward to sharing with the Practice Better community?

Jen Miller Practice Better

I’m so excited to be a part of the Practice Better team! The first thing I wanted to share is how I actually joined the team because I think it’s a cool story. In October, I was at a business conference for health professionals, and I happened to meet Shelley and Nathalie there! I went up to them and raved about my own experience using Practice Better. We chatted, and I remember thinking how awesome they were. A few months later I ended up reaching out to Nathalie because I thought PB would be such an amazing company to work for...and here we are. ;)

I look forward to sharing with the community how Practice Better has helped me with my business in so many ways - one of my favorites is running group programs! I love that I can run these programs right in PB and don’t have to direct my clients elsewhere. It keeps things seamless and organized on my end and for the client. I also love the telehealth feature, and Zoom integration to host group coaching sessions. I run a lot of my business online, so having these virtual tools right in PB is amazing. 

I also look forward to sharing my experiences and learnings in the Health & Wellness space. 

Two things that I've learned that I'd love to share today are: 

  1. Get comfortable on video. It’s such an impactful medium when you are creating community and building your business through social media (building that “know, like and trust” factor), but it’s also great “training” for live public speaking. Speaking on your Instagram stories will most definitely help prepare you for running live workshops, talks or events - if that’s something you want to do in your business.
  2. “Your mess is your message”. If you aren’t sure what niche to choose or what direction to go in, take some time to reflect on your story...what struggles and challenges have you gone through? What lessons did you learn? How did you grow? What part of your story do you feel inspired to share with others? The answers to these questions are the breadcrumbs to your WHY and how you can have the most impact in other people’s lives.

What’s a fun fact that not everyone would know?

I LOVE to sing. My talent level is average at best LOL, but it fills me with so much joy when I sing every word to a song that hits me on an emotional level. Most of my singing is done alone in my car ;) 

Where can we learn more about you?

Come join me on Instagram at @glowingmindswellness! You can also find more information on my website at 

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.