June 10, 2020

Customizing Email Notifications

Customizing Email Notifications

Effective client communication is at the core of all your client relationships. While you practice effective communication directly with your clients during their sessions, why not extend this to your email communications as well? Establishing an effective and consistent way of communicating, can aid you in building a straightforward path for your clients towards achieving their personal health goals.

Practice Better allows you to extend your communication style to your automated email notifications. While these emails are sent to clients automatically, you can still add a personal touch. You can customize automated email notifications to communicate and reiterate simple things like session reminders, your cancellation policy, or provide directions to your clients to ensure their forms are completed before their next session.

Our custom email templates give you control of the content delivered to your clients via email notifications and the flexibility to add basic placeholders to make your message more personable. We also offer basic formatting tools as well as the ability to insert hyperlinks into your message.

Customize Email Templates Screenshot
The Email Notification Builder in Practice Better.

Email customization is currently available on our Pro, Plus and Team plans for the following actions:

  • Client Invitation to Join Practice Better
  • Client Account Activated / Get Started
  • Superbill Available
  • Invoice Available / Pay Invoice
  • Invoice Payment Reminder / Confirmation
  • Payment Plan Created
  • New Protocol Available
  • Session Notes Available
  • Updated Session Notes Available
  • New Journal / Journal Shared
  • Unread Secure Chat Messages
  • New Task Created
  • Task Updated
  • New Forms to Complete
  • Pending Forms to Complete
  • Package Confirmation
  • Multiple Sessions Booked
  • Session Booked / Booking Request Confirmed
  • Session Rescheduled / Updated
  • Upcoming Session Reminder / Cancellation

 *You can override email templates for individual services and packages by editing the specific service or package.

Additional Email Customizations

Here are a few more tips for customizing your email notifications!

Opt to add a reply-to email address if you would like to receive client responses to your notifications. This will allow your clients to simply hit ‘reply’ to any of your automated emails and their message will be directed to you, further supporting seamless communication. If you are on a Team plan, perhaps you want the reply-to email address to be your administrative assistant or front-desk support.

Optionally, personalize your Sender name, header titles, or captions. You can also choose to enable or disable your profile photo and logo in your email notifications.

Additional Email Options - Practice Better
Additional email options.

If you’re on a Team plan and you would like these changes to apply to all your team members for a more streamlined and consistent message, Team Owners can easily do this by selecting the ‘Save and apply to team’ option before saving your changes.


Saving Options - Team Plan
Saving options on the Team plan.

Customizing your email templates is a great way to extend your personal touch to an automated aspect of your practice. Whether you want to establish consistent communications or would like your unique voice to shine through, customizing your email templates is a great tool that will help you achieve this.

To learn more about customizing your email templates, click here!

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.