February 9, 2019

Day 5 — Me Time

Day 5 — Me Time

We created the 10-day Self-Care Challenge to remind you of simple strategies that you can use to prioritize yourself and help clients better. Today is all about discovering what ‘me time’ really means to you.

We understand a busy bee like yourself may find it hard to carve out time for yourself and here come the feelings of guilt (ugh…). If there’s anything we want you to learn from this challenge is that ‘me time’ is essential for a more balanced, healthy life. Not to mention, it will positively affect how you feel about yourself, offer you a different perspective and even help you find clarity and peace of mind.

Did you know? A lack of “me” time can negatively affect your relationship.

‘Me time’ can be anything that helps you de-stress and recharge. There is no right or wrong answer here. Need some help figuring this out? Try asking yourself these questions:

  • What was the last thing I did that really made me feel happy and healthy?
  • What calms me?
  • What do I wish I did more of?
  • What helps me clear my head?

Still not sure? Here are just some things you can do that are just for you:

  • Catch up on your favorite TV show
  • Journal
  • Sit in a coffee shop and people watch
  • Spend time in nature
  • Do a puzzle
  • Meditate
  • Cook yourself a fancy meal

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