Diversifying Income With Digital Products

Diversifying Income With Digital Products

Diversifying your income can be crucial in achieving your revenue goals and scaling your business. But, what does it mean and how can you add multiple sources of income to your practice? Diversifying your income refers to having multiple independent sources of income contributing to your overall earnings.

Examples of Sellable Digital Products

This Better Business Conversation highlights the opportunity to create and sell digital products and resources, such as eBooks, form bundles, note and charting templates, and even Done For You courses and challenges. Often when thinking of how to earn income, we focus solely on what services and products we can offer our clients. Our featured expert, Megan Boitano, encourages us to think about the type of digital products that may appeal to our colleagues and peers that can be monetized to boost your revenue.

Identifying Resources to Monetize

Megan shares that parts of your workflow have hidden value and may be very helpful to your peers and colleagues. Helpful enough that they will pay you for it. What is working well for you and your clients to help drive a successful experience and outcome? As a practitioner, you likely have a methodology for working successfully with your clients to guide and coach them towards their health goals. Your methods can be transformed into digital products and sold to other practitioners to aid them in their work with their clients. 

You Don't Need to be Tech-Savvy to Sell Online

Even if you are someone who considers themselves not tech-savvy or you have no prior experience building and selling digital products, this income stream has low upfront costs and limitless earning potential. When considering what type of digital products to create and sell, Megan encourages you to consider what you do within your own workflow. What has proven successful and helps clients achieve their goals in a way that is unique, effective, and efficient for you? The answer to this question should form the basis for the products you create.

Why Consider Selling Digital Products?

As Megan puts it, your primary investment to create sellable resources is your time and expertise. Unlike services, products are scalable. In order for digital products to be successful at generating revenue, it’s important to first understand the type of resources that will benefit your community. There are so many options to consider, such as ebooks, online courses and challenges, audio trainings, workflow ideas, onboarding, and customer experience checklists.

How to Begin Selling Online

Megan advises starting small, considering one pain point you can help a fellow practitioner solve, and over time, adding to your digital product offerings. Feel free to experiment, add gradually, and test different ideas to see what works in the market. You may be surprised! 

Here's to your success!

What we covered:

  • What digital products are and how you can sell them to add additional revenue to your business 
  • Success stories of others who have introduced selling digital products as an income stream 
  • How to determine what digital products and services are marketable 
  • How to get started creating and selling your first digital products

Implement Megan’s Strategies in Practice Better

Practice Better can make the creation of your digital products exceptionally easy! Many features and resources within the platform are designed to be easily shared among peers and other practitioners. 

Sell Templates to Other Pratitioners

Templates are a great way to create a framework for other practitioners to add to their Practice Better account. They can then customize the content with their own expertise, advice and recommendations for clients. Templates can be created for note-taking and charting, program and course modules, forms and waivers, and protocols. Not only will you save other practitioners the time and effort required to create these templated frameworks, you’ll likely provide new ideas and can contribute to others' success. 

How to Share Templates Made in Practice Better

To generate an access code, click the vertical three dots, the More Options button, and select manage sharing. Toggle the share access code button to generate a unique code to access your resource. It is worth noting that only the original creator of the template can generate an access code. Those who receive an access code from you will not be able to generate a new access code once it is added to their Practice Better account.

As you consider your own workflow and what drives success in your own business, you’ll be able to identify how you can take your expertise and transform it into a sellable digital product to generate income. Consider ways you use Practice Better, whether it is an individual feature or certain features together in tandem, and determine how you can package your methods to be a guide or resource for your peers and colleagues. By utilizing your own methods that have proven successful in your own business, you’re not only selling a digital product but now you're a thought leader!. You can inspire new ideas and strategies for other practitioners to adopt.

Better Business Conversations with Megan Boitano

Each month, our Business Success Coaches, host an interactive BBC YouTube Live, bridging together expert advice and Practice Better technology. Take a moment to watch the session with Megan below.

About Megan

Registered dietitian nutritionist, Megan Boitano, MS, RD, helps dietitians leverage their expertise and generate income via creation and sale of online nutrition resources. She is the founder of RD2RD.com, a digital marketplace for dietitians to both sell and buy original, digital materials for use in their nutrition practices, including ebooks, handouts, presentations, webinars, worksheets and more. Her marketplace currently offers more than 2500 educational materials, features products from 850 credentialed dietitians, and has amassed more than 110,000 transactions, helping dietitians educate their clients on how best to achieve their health and wellness goals.

Connect with Megan:


Download your free CEU Webinar and E-Book for Dietitians: https://RD2RD.com/getting-started-webinar

Webinar Transcript

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Better Business Conversations. My name is Brittany. I'm with Practice Better, and today I'm really excited we are talking with Megan Boitano. So welcome, Megan. We are so happy to have you here.

Hello. Thanks for having me.

RD2RD: Nutrition Education Resources for Dietitians 

So for those of you who are just learning about Megan for the first time, I'll do a really quick intro before we dive into today's topic. Megan is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of RD2RD, and that's a digital marketplace for dietitians to both buy and sell digital materials to use in their nutrition practice. So with that, she is of course an expert on our topic today, which is diversifying income with digital products. I'm going to let Megan take it away. She's going to share all about how to use those digital product products to add another income stream into our practices. So Megan, I'll let you take the stage.

Okay. Thanks, Brittany. And hello to you all. I really first want to just commend Practice Better for having these Better Business Conversations. I know running a practice requires a diverse skill set, and a lot of that we learn kind of as our practice grows, and this is one area that as a busy provider, it kind of feels like a whole new kind of thing to jump into. But when we talk about diversifying your income, having additional revenue streams, digital products are incredibly appealing.

So today I really want to start to peel back for you what does selling online really mean? What does that look like? What's the real business case? So that you can look at this effectively and say, "Yeah, this is something that is a fit for me. Or maybe I need to do a little bit more homework." So that you're equipped to kind of go out and figure out what fits with your practice. I'm also going to share some examples of success and how to start, so I'm going to go ahead and pull my slides up here and let's go ahead.

How Megan Started RD2RD

All right. Okay, so before I dive into the content, I want to give a little bit of background about me because I think we have this vision that I have to be really techy or there's some special skills I have to have to find success selling online, and it's not true. I call myself a recovering clinical manager and [Editor’s Note: we couldn’t make out what was said in the recording].  I started a private practice and during that experience, I realized that dieticians had a hard time finding the tools that we needed and sharing it amongst themselves. And I started RD2RD as a side project, and really over time it started to grow and realized that that was really my true passion and allowed me to leverage a lot of the skills that I had learned as a clinical manager.

I call myself an accidental founder of a tech business, but I've always done tech. My superpowers, I call them, are process development and quality. My roles have always been at integrating technology into operations and workflows, so sitting here now, it's always amazing the path your career can take. So I want to invite you to think about this topic of selling online with kind of fresh eyes and that there are no special skills that you need to get started. RD2RD was the first website I’d really ever started, and I'd never sold anything online before I started a marketplace. If I can do it, you can do it.

What's RD2RD?

So a little bit of personal stuff, I'm a very busy soccer mom and I say a schlepper extraordinaire, and many of you might be able to relate to that. So let me just give you a little bit of background, if you haven't heard of RD2RD. It's a marketplace, so if you think about something like Amazon, or you might have heard of teachers pay teachers, Etsy, multiple sellers have stores, add products, and then, of course, when you make sales, you get paid, so I really felt that dieticians needed this. So I've had the opportunity over the last four years to learn a lot about how to sell online, what works, and what doesn't.

RD2RD Provides Resources for Dietitians 

So I'll tell you a little bit more about RD2RD, but I just wanted to kind of first tell you why I am really passionate about the opportunity for online products. You probably know colleagues who sell books, online courses, recipe guides. There is a wide breadth of things that you can sell and that's part of what can feel overwhelming. So we're going to dive into a little bit of that. And what I'm kind of most proud of, let's say, is that I've been able to create income for my registered dietician colleagues.

Selling Practice Better Resources on RD2RD 

And I chose Jen specifically for this presentation because she has leveraged Practice Better resources, the forms and templates and tools she creates in her Practice Better accounts and sells those on RD2RD to others, so her superpower is really workflow and process, as well as being a tremendous practice owner. And I think her experience selling on RD2RD says there's really whatever your strength is, you don't have to try to copy somebody else's, it's really discovering “what do I have that is unique and that people will pay for.” So we're going to talk a little bit more about that as well.

111,000 Transactions to Date 

So last thing here, for you to know, I have 110,000 transactions under my belt. So I've made a lot of mistakes and I've done a lot of things correctly, but served more than 23,000 customers at this point, and there are countless, I guess, product types. And that's been one of the interesting things - the marketplace has grown. I had this idea of what dieticians would sell to each other, and it's been interesting for it to develop into its own ecosystem of what's in demand and what people need. And I feel that operations and that kind of behind the scenes of what you do that maybe isn't as out there, sometimes some of that charting tools, workflows, email templates, things that you don't actually even put value on that are incredibly in demand by others. So it's been fun to watch what can be sold.

Why Should I Sell Online?

But let's talk now about this kind of eCommerce in general, so that whole idea of well, why should I even sell online? And I think if you're into this conversation today, it tells me you're at least curious about how to make money selling online. And so if you kind of look at this graph here, this is actually in billions, U.S. dollars, and this isn't just digital products. These are all things sold online. But the point here is that people are shopping online, people are purchasing all types of things online. I'm sure you do too, and that there's a huge opportunity as we look at revenue streams and diversifying your income for you to look at how I can build in. And we talk about passive income streams. Maybe you're not going to replace your entire practice income. I would say most people are looking to add additional slices to their income pie, and so how can I look at a digital product as an opportunity for me to look at, for me to utilize my expertise and take advantage of the demand for purchasing resources online.

There's a Variety Of Sellable Digital Products

And to kind of further that point, if we think about eBooks, online courses, even audio products, memberships, to all kinds of digital media, downloadable templates. There's just a wide variety of digital products. They're attractive because they have a very low creation cost. Of course, that cost being your time and expertise, but they don't require manufacturing, warehousing, or storage, whereas if you're going to launch a supplement line or some other physical goods, there's a lot more money you're going to have to put in that. And that they're inherently scalable.

Digital Products are Scalable

And I can tell you from general experience running a marketplace, a lot of the time that I spend has scaled, right? When I had 100 transactions a month versus 5,000 transactions a month, a lot of that is scaling without a lot of my own additional efforts. So digital products are inherently scalable. It's not a one-to-one relationship with your time, which would be when you’re seeing clients or when we're trading our time for that money. So that passive income. You've probably heard that thrown around a lot. I call it asynchronous, right? Because there's days and months where I spend a lot more time, but maybe it doesn't necessarily result in more sales, so it's asynchronous.

What Should I Sell?

So a question I get often is not just what can I sell, but also what should I sell? And I think that that is a common place for people to kind of get stuck, right? You don't know where to start, and I'm going to talk a little bit more about starting small and validating your idea, but one little nugget here is don't go out looking for ... Well, everybody is looking for intuitive eating or everybody's looking for endurance training menu plans. You're not chasing what's in demand or what's selling well. What I've seen in my experience with successful sellers on RD2RD and elsewhere is that I study the market. It's really that combination of that thing that you know a lot about and that you're passionate about sharing with others.

Examples of People Selling on RD2RD

The great thing about the online world is it allows you to connect with very small niches of people that you don't need to go and try to find the profitable topic, you're already there. And so I'm going to give you kind of a deeper dive, but just what you already know and what you're already passionate about, that's it. There's a market for your wisdom. And here's three examples. They're very different. This is Diane Rishikof, she has a book, Health Takes Guts, and she also has a set of treatment protocols, but her expertise is really around gut health. This is just sales of her ebook, not including her treatment protocols, I think are maybe 8,000 in sales. So just to show you that taking some of what [Editor’s Note: we couldn’t make out what was said in the recording] making it into a book is an idea that. But who is that for? Is it for other dieticians? Is it for a lay audience? So kind of looking at who is my resource going to serve?

Here in the middle, Sarah Upson, she has a set of gentle nutrition handouts, and these have been wildly popular. And she's I think already now actually more than 7,000 in sales since I made this presentation, but I also think she knows this is her expertise. And so really taking what works with her clients and creating a resource that basically kind of reads the mind of dietitians is not overly complicated. She does a simple thing of offering them in black and white and color, and it's funny how you can differentiate yourself in very small things that a person says, "Oh, well, this resource, this is what I need because of that one differentiator."

Templates as a Premium Product

Last here, templates. Templates are, I think, an area of growth and something to watch. This is specifically a Canva template. If you're like me, you're kind of a Canva addict, but Canva is great because it allows you of course to make changes and customize that. Templates are also often a premium product because they are easily customizable. You can often charge a higher price than maybe a static PDF that you can't make any adjustments to like color, branding, maybe changing some of the foods on here, and meal planning is always something that is a common needed resource.

Selling Digital Products is not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

So I think giving you some examples and kind of hitting home that point of you don't have to chase maybe what you heard somebody else had success with, that there's a market for what you know and what you're doing right now. And I think it's sometimes uncomfortable for us to go, "Oh, I'm already there." And so maybe just try to sit and get a little bit more comfortable and a little affirmation there for you. But I do have a little bit of, I don't want to say, bad news, but that digital products are not this get rich quick scheme. And I cringe often when I look on there, there's many people selling courses and selling things targeted at these $10,000 launches of this and that. Absolutely, digital products can be very lucrative, but I would not say that they are easy to create, market, or sell. That there's a huge amount of knowledge to bring traffic and convert those people into sales.

Best Practice For Selling Digital Products

So I think knowing that if you're going to have a digital product, knowing how to make sales online, so I'm going to show you some best practices, but I feel like it's important to throw that out there. It's not product and tomorrow thousands of dollars are going to start. It's just not realistic. But digital products are a way to diversify your income. But, and why I say this, is there's a significant amount of work before you make any sales. And so my advice is always to start small, right? I sit with vendors on RD2RD and their ideas are so grandiose, and I constantly spend time bringing them back to what is that one little rock in the shoe of this person that you can solve right now, you can get it out in a week, and you can validate that. Then you can add those other five resources in and you can make it a bundle and we can add in, and your existing customers come back and purchase new things that you have.

So that grandiose idea: lay it down, get it out there, have it validated. Some people have put five or six very smaller resources in their store, and it's funny, the one that starts to get traffic and sales, then making a bigger bundle there. And yes, you can maybe return to some of the other items, but it's looking at how can you start to validate and have that, proof by sales that you're on the right track and can start to kind of grow that line of offerings. Much like any other brand or retailer would do, you're just doing that on a smaller scale.

People might say, "Okay, Megan, I get it. I really like this idea of creating. I'm a creator. I make handouts all the time. I love making meal plans. I just don't really like selling and/or I don't know how." And I think that's common and basically that's really important to acknowledge, right? And say if you just go out there and create a product, is random internet traffic just going to show up on that page on your website and say, "Yeah, I want to buy that." One mention in a social media story, there's going to be a flood of people showing up to your product page and purchasing. That is not what's going to happen. And I think we put a lot of focus on if I just create this really amazing product, or I didn't have the right product so you make something else. When in reality, it's the strategy of the selling that's missing.

The Key to Selling Online

And the real key to selling online is traffic and conversion. When I first started on this journey of selling online, I remember hearing that a 2% conversion, “Megan, what does that mean?” of people that maybe come to your sales, less than 2% of them are going to buy, and that 2% would be a great conversion rate. So you need to bring traffic, right? To your products and then best practices of how do I present that product? How do I help them to see that this is the resource that solves their problems, that they're going to say, "Yes, this is the product from me."

But think about yourself as well. People tend to shop around or they're going to compare different things. Whether you're selling an online course or a book or a downloadable meal plan or what workbook, it doesn't matter what it is, but that's the natural progression of a customer before they make a purchase. So the key to selling your product is you need traffic, you need people, and then you need to be wise about now that those people are, let's say, on my website, how do I then make that sale? Me personally, I like blogging. You talk about other content types. I'm not even on TikTok, okay? So if you're someone who doesn't do TikTok, it's okay. You can still sell online, not on TikTok, and for you on TikTok, it's great, but there is no content requirement for selling digital products.

Consistency is Key

The one thing that I would say is consistency. It doesn't really matter what content type you choose. If you don't do it consistently, it's absolutely not going to. So I'm showing you a few different blogs on the topic of intuitive eating, and what I want to point out here is these are actually keyword optimized so that when people search for terms on Google, I rank highly and then it brings people to RD2RD and as they read these blogs, there are some products peppered throughout, I may promote a product collection that I have, and then that in and of itself does well making sales.

The Importance of Being Strategic

Secondly, I'm very strategic about it. Remember we talked about conversion of expecting someone, the first time that they come to your product, they don't even know you exist from a Google search, that they're going to buy from you. Eh maybe, maybe not of making sure that I have really high clearance opt-ins on these blogs so that I'm getting these people on my email list, and then I use email marketing, right? I am incredibly consistent in emailing my audience, putting out content that helps to sell product. So you might be thinking, "Hm, I already run a really busy practice, maybe I've been thinking about adding a blog, but how could I monetize?” People talk about monetizing their blog with ads, thinking about digital products as a way to, as people come to your blog and raise your blog, how can you weave in things that you might have for sale? How can you get them on your email list? And then have that automated workflow, automated email series that's helping to bring them back to make a purchase.

Best Resources for Dietitians 

Intuitive eating. Well, my audience is dieticians, right? For the most part. So again, I'm going to be looking for things that allow me to make sales of digital products. Of course, providing great content is always my first objective, but intuitive eating is one of the most highly searched terms on the website, which kind of tells me a lot about where I can spend time so that I can have more sales and bring in more customers. So just for numbers, more than a thousand searches so far in 2022, and I do track a lot, search terms are my jam. I think I mentioned that at the outset, but I am in the back end, I am looking at the numbers. This is what I do, right?

Sell Your Products Without Worrying About The Tech

And I think that's one reason that a lot of people opt to sell on RD2RD because they want to add products to their store, they don't want to have to deal with the tech. They don't want to have to deal with the selling. They don't want to have to deal with transactions or the customer service, or any of it. And so I think that that's been one of the things that I've realized that that's my strength, right? And so having a place where I get to do what I love to do, but it also allows me to create income for other dieticians, honestly feels like going to an amusement park every day. I love, love, love what I do.

Create Content on Platforms You Enjoy

So I mentioned blogging is the content that I personally have focused on creating. Yes, I'm on social media and yes, social media posts are content and they can bring sales of your digital products, right? As people maybe come to your website, click on a link in your story, all of that different types of content, podcasts, offering webinars, all of these things, whether you're on YouTube. There isn't a right type of content, and I feel like early on I did a lot of this chasing. Well, this person's creating this kind of content, so I have to do that. When in reality, [Editor’s Note: we couldn’t make out what was said in the recording]. When I finish creating it, it feels very invigorating. What's working, right? Looking at my own -  I use a KPI dashboard each month and looking at what's working and doing more of that. So just my own nuggets of wisdom a few years into running an online business.

Selling Your Practice Better Resources

All right, so I'm kind of rewinding back to Jen here, just to kind of remind you that she focuses solely on really Practice Better templates, but that's just one example of the types of resources available on RD2RD. So here is, for example, a group program bundle. I look at this review here, I haven't even talked about the reviews and social proof. When someone comes to a product, they're more apt to purchase one that has reviews, even if sometimes those reviews aren't all positive. Knowing that a customer bought it. I read negative reviews all the time and it doesn't always mean I won't buy something. I'm like, "Oh, that is kind of what I want because it's the opposite of what the reviewer said." So I think sometimes people worry a lot about too many negative reviews. You're always going to have a mix.

But this is one thing I think that's great about Practice Better is that you can take codes and it allows you to take some of your things that you've created in Practice Better for your own use, and then monetizing that. So this is just kind of a little tease of what is possible with Practice Better, so shout out to them for making it possible for you to even monetize in that way. Presentations. You might think of, "Oh, I give presentations in the community." And the slide decks that you create can be incredibly valuable.

And what I think was interesting is I started seeing comments of, "I really wish there was a script available." So I worked with some of the vendors who have top selling presentations and we added in scripts like basically here's what you say in a presentation, and having that at a higher price point than the presentation alone. Not only do you make more per sale, those are more desirable because some people really need that extra, what do I say? I don't just want the slides, I want a full on script. You might think I would never use a script, but not all of your customers are going to be you.

And then just of course, lots of people sell handouts, and this is just a specific example of how I mentioned your own expertise, that this is a weight neutral handouts for PCOS and hormone health, and that this bundle alone performs well because there's a number of people looking for that specific type of resource. And that rather than saying, "Well, I want to make a handout that applies to everybody with PCOS." Perhaps that maybe sometimes can be helpful, so your specific area of expertise and what you're passionate about can absolutely be successful.

And then last, but not least, I want to show you this. I get a lot of people who say, "Ugh, I'm just not good at design." I see these people make these amazing resources and infographics. I'm not good at that, and this is a great example of ... This is Amy Geist and she has a new client assessment, but literally it is a Word document with questions. [Editor’s Note: we couldn’t make out what was said in the recording] because it takes her 10 years of experience of what questions to ask and puts them in a resource. That is the magic, right? You don't get that except by having 10 years of practice experience. So what you know and what you can share has value.

Free Training

I hope these examples of successful products have really helped you to feel like okay, I was interested in digital products, curious to learn more, and I want to kind of invite you to take that enthusiasm and go a little bit further. In this CEU webinar, I actually break down how to get started selling digital product. So what's a shopping cart and how does that actually work on my website? Some of that backend stuff, some of that marketing, I dive in deeper, and this is actually approved for one CEU, if you are a registered dietician, the URL there, the getting started webinar, and you can also get this ebook that I have, it has a little checklist at the back which is really helpful.

Diversify Your Income and Open up a Store on RD2RD

And lastly here, just kind of inviting you to open a store on RD2RD. I made it absolutely free to open a store, list your products. There's when you make a sale, that's when there is a service fee, so it was really important to have zero barrier for people to get started and this is Brittaney, she started her store and within six months she had made $2,000. But what was more for me is when she reached out and said, "Hey, Megan, the money that I'm making now six months in covers my overhead for my practice." And that is such a relief. People's goals vary -what does that diversifying mean to you? And you might see someone who's doing launches and they're putting a ton of effort into digital products, and that time has to come from somewhere because maybe that slice of the pie for their practice is different maybe than what other people's goals are.

So you can set digital products as whatever slice of the pie you like them. So if you want to open up a store or learn more about, there's become a vendor, it's our prospective vendor page, and it'll give you more information. So both of those, the free CEU webinar, I definitely kind of recommend that as your next step because I dive deeper into some of these topics that I brought up here and you can get one continuing education credit.

So Brittany, I'm going to go ahead and turn this back over to you here.

Hesitation About Selling Digital Products?

Yeah, thank you so much. That was so much useful information. I'm sure that everyone watching is full of inspiration, of ideas brewing, of things that they could create some digital products with. Just as a couple follow up questions, maybe people are wondering, or some things that have come up, what I guess advice would you give someone who has hesitation when it comes to creating digital products? Because they're afraid of giving away their trade secrets or what makes them so successful in their own practice? Some people who just kind of want to keep this kind of proprietary stuff close to their chest. Do you have any advice for those people who are interested, but they're feeling some hesitation?

Yeah. I think that fear that I understand, however, you can take just like two different people, take the same information and one person is successful and the other one isn't, that what you know somebody else isn't going to implement the exact same way and that teaching what you know and creating resources, that fear is going to create competition that then takes away from me. I always believe there's space for everyone in the market, and there's plenty of opportunity. I guess I would just encourage you to look at where that kind of ... Where that fear comes from and to acknowledge that what you've built and your success can't be duplicated. Nobody, even if they have the exact same sequence of events and the tools that you used, is going to recreate what you've done in your success because we both know that it took blood, sweat, and tears, and not just physical, that information, knowledge. So I guess I'd say that.

Is There Any Content That Doesn't do as Well?

Yeah, I love that. As one last follow up question before we wrap up today, we talked a lot about what creates a good resource or a good product, but do you have any advice, just a couple of things for people to keep in mind that they should avoid or pieces of content that maybe don't do well? Obviously, there's quite a time investment creating these digital products, so what would be some things for people to stay clear of?

Oh, I'm so glad you asked this question. So making sure that the intellectual property that you include in your resources. One, you have the permission to use. For example, let's say you're taking some image from a journal article to make your point. That can be copyright infringement. That is a copyrighted article, right? So unless you have permission to use something, you should be careful about what you put, even if it's an icon or a graphic. There's a lot of licensing terms when it comes to these things. So that's a whole other topic, as well as if you're selling online, you absolutely have to have terms of service, right? Terms of use. What can someone do with what they purchase from you? What's your refund policy? Licensing terms. Can they resell it? What can they do with it? How many people can they share it with? Is it for their own personal use?

So there's this whole other thing, right? About online sales, and I really didn't touch on that a lot, but those are some topics that I would recommend that you start to read up on, if this has really piqued your interest. And you're like, "Yeah, I'm ready to learn more." Those would be a couple of things I'd say. Not specific product wise, but I think more those topics, people just are completely unaware when they jump in, but there's some things you really need to focus on.

Yeah, really good point there. Wonderful. Well, thank you so much. That was such a great session. Where can people go to learn more? And what would you say are great next steps?

Yeah. So of course, you can connect with me on various social platforms. My email, I love this topic, right? Feel free to reach out [email protected]. I'm apt to respond and give you my two cents. But for online, selling online, of course, various podcasts, right? You can always listen to Smart Passive Income and Amy Porterfield's podcast, and kind of start hanging around in some of the groups.

Pay Attention to What's Working for Other People

And I always recommend those mechanisms. The next time you scroll social media and you see something that, whether it's a resource that you want to purchase, or you go to a blog and you happen to see that they have a digital download, start to become aware of that type of thing in your feed that you haven't looked at before. What's working about it? What was their call to action? How did they weave it into their blog or into their story? Start to just be aware of and start a little file. I keep so much, so when I sit down to make something of my own, I just pull up all of those little ideas and it helps me grow because most of us are really building upon what's already working out there. So start to be a student of what you are seeing so that you can take that and apply it to your own digital products.

Yeah, I love that idea. I think we're probably all consuming more of these types of products and resources than we realize. All right. Thank you so much, Megan. Hopefully we'll have you on again to expand further on this topic, but we really appreciate you being here today.

Thank you, Brittany. And to everyone at Practice Better for having me on Better Business Conversation.

Thanks, everyone. Bye.

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