June 12, 2019

Feature Highlight: Document Preview

Feature Highlight: Document Preview

Do you ever look at files and wonder what is in a document? There’s nothing more annoying than having to download and open each one to find the one you’re looking for.

This is actually a real problem, for reasons beyond convenience that is frequently overlooked. That’s why we’re highlighting this Practice Better feature that you may have overlooked — document preview. If you’re not yet benefiting from this time-saving and HIPAA-compliant feature, now’s the time!

The Problem

One very important reason for using an online tool is so that your files can stay, well, online. This actually, isn’t typically the case because most EHRs still require you do download the files to your computer in order to view them. This is problematic because then you have to worry about having sensitive information on your computer and who may have access to information on your computer. Think about how many documents are shared with you by clients and what their contents may be. We think this problem is one that’s often overlooked by practitioners, because, let’s face it, this is how most EHRs work.

A Better Way

In Practice Better, on all plans (including the free Sprout plan), you can preview documents that have been shared with you or uploaded by you without ever having to download it to your computer so that your secure documents can remain secure. Simply hover over the file you’d like to preview and click on the eye icon.

You can, of course, also opt to download the file if necessary, but this is optional.

Preview Multimedia Files, Too!

Not only can you preview documents within Practice Better, you can also preview uploaded video and audio files without having to download them first!

Let’s not forget your clients

We understand that you’re not the only one wanting to view documents without having to download it each time. Clients too can preview any of the files you’ve shared with them.

As much as previewing files in Practice Better is about security, it’s also about convenience and about the full experience. For example, if you’re running online programs in Practice Better and you’ve uploaded a document or video to your module for your clients to reference, they’ll be able to view this document as either an attachment or in line with the rest of their module content.

Preview from attachment