July 9, 2020

Fullscript’s Virtual Supplement Dispensary: Delivering Care to Clients, From Anywhere

Fullscript’s Virtual Supplement Dispensary: Delivering Care to Clients, From Anywhere

The popularity of virtual care is rising

With clients more interested in preventive care than ever before, offering virtual health care tools is becoming a must for practitioners. With faster, more convenient access to practitioners through these tools, clients are more likely to contact their practitioners early on in a preventive manner before health issues become a bigger problem.

This means the net result of virtual care is that more clients can remain healthy and recover from illness faster. It’s also more affordable for practitioners and clients, helping shift the balance of care to a greater focus on preventative wellness. (1)(2)

Most clients go to their practitioners when they feel sick, but many still don’t understand the full benefits of preventative care which can be defined as any healthcare service or offering that helps a client maintain good health. The goal of preventative care is to keep clients healthy and nip any illness or disease in the bud before it becomes detrimental to a client's wellbeing. Integrating with an online dispensary, like Fullscript’s virtual supplement dispensary platform, is a great way to help your clients understand and experience the benefits of preventative care.

Integrating Practice Better’s EHR with Fullscript’s virtual supplement dispensary can provide you with more than high-quality supplements. Fullscript can help your practice generate consistent passive income, improve client adherence, reduce administrative hassle, and more.

Did you know?

A 2019 survey found that 66% of Americans are eager to receive virtual care. (3) One of the most significant barriers to virtual care to date has been the question of how practitioners can be compensated for their time spent caring for their clients virtually. It seems, however, that the landscape of healthcare regulations has recently shifted and created a huge opening for virtual care offerings.

With a robust virtual care platform, practitioners can offer clients continual access to their care team, educational resources, and more at an affordable price. The Affordable Care Act in the US has made proactive, preventative, and virtual client care more accessible and economical. As an example, supplements such as folic acid for pregnant women and magnesium supplements for stomach health are covered at no cost. (4)

Dr. Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz, ND, couldn’t have put it better when she said:

“I would have never thought Fullscript had an integration with my EHR. When I heard it existed, I was floored! It immediately became a priority feature. Writing dosing and treatment plans in Practice Better with the Fullscript integration automatically sends my prescription to the client. It’s amazing!”

Why provide your clients with an online supplement dispensary?

Chances are your clients are interested in taking supplements or are already taking supplements. Consumer surveys show at least 77% of all adults in the US take dietary supplements. (5) In Canada, around 45.6% of Canadians also use supplements. (6)

As a practitioner, you are considered a trustworthy source for information, and according to a recent survey, more than half of all US adults feel their health practitioners are their most-trusted source for reliable information on supplements. (7)

Did you know?

Practitioners who have integrated their Fullscript supplement dispensaries with an EHR see an average increase of 16% or more in revenue per month, and over 33% of dietary supplement recommendations are fulfilled and ordered when your practice is integrated with Fullscript.

Boosting virtual client care

Fullscript is the ultimate platform for those who want to do preventative virtual care the right way — the personal way — from anywhere. As the industry’s first virtual dispensary, Fullscript combines the top tech, deep integrative medical knowledge, and the most comprehensive catalog of quality practitioner-grade supplements. And, it’s still completely free.

With features like EHR integrations, client refill reminders, the ability to add multiple practitioners and staff, an evidence-based protocol library, and an easy-to-use prescription tool for sending digital recommendations to clients, Fullscript is an always-accessible solution that helps people get better every day.

1. Easy Access to a Full Virtual Supplement Dispensary

Fullscript seamlessly integrates with Practice Better, giving practitioners and clients access to the virtual supplement catalog without ever opening up another browser window. You never have to leave the EHR.

2. Quality, Practitioner-Grade Supplements

You can be sure of what supplements your clients are taking with Fullscript, which makes it easier to control your client outcomes. The supplements are also quality products supported by processes, policies, and quality assurance standards. Most people are unaware that the supplement industries in the US and Canada are unregulated, so it’s possible that the supplement they are taking may not contain what’s on the bottle’s label. (8)

3. A Passive Revenue Stream Without Any Hassle

With Fullscript, there is no money or time wasted compared to running a traditional supplement store at an office—there are no overhead costs. All you are left with is profit. It is a free platform for practitioners, that can be set up within a day and is a good source of passive income.

4. A Simple Place to Showcase Your Favorite Supplements to Clients

The platform allows practitioners to build out lists of their favorite products. This can save practitioners a lot of time when prescribing similar treatment protocols to different clients. These favorite products sync up with Practice Better for a more optimized and efficient experience.

5. A Digital Library of Evidence-Based Treatment Plan Protocols

Fullscript makes it super easy to educate yourself about supplements by providing practitioners with free access to treatment protocols that are assembled by Fullscript’s Integrative Medical Advisory Team (IMAT). Plus, Fullscript’s protocol library provides client care tips and syncs up with Practice Better, giving you seamless access. Some popular protocols that practitioners can easily recommend to clients include Cold and Flu and Stress Support.

6. Integrative and Preventative Health Resources for Clients

Fullscript’s platform also features a robust knowledge center that is constantly being updated with the most up-to-date and trustworthy information about supplements, nutrition, and other integrative health topics. (9)

7. Supplements Are Shipped Right to Your Clients’ Doors

Who needs the hassle of heading to a practitioner’s office to pick up supplements? With Fullscript, supplements are delivered straight to clients’ doorsteps. Fullscript offers various shipping options for the clients to choose from and a minimum free shipping threshold. If you experience any problems with a shipment, Fullscript features fast support ready to tackle any order issues.

8. Improved Compliance Rates From Auto-Shipments and Refill Reminders

Fullscript sends out automated refill reminders based on your clients’ past orders, giving your clients a friendly reminder that it’s time to order more supplements. Fullscript also allows clients to automatically re-order and ship supplements to their doorstep based on the frequency of their choosing. (10)(11)

9. A Clear Way to Keep Track of Clients Adherence

Fullscript’s platform makes it easy to keep track of clients and help them manage treatment plans. Additionally, studies have shown that telehealth tools help practitioners provide better care for clients.

With Fullscript, you can see if your newer clients are adhering to their treatment plans and even send them an email to make sure they saw your recommendations.

10. Easy Follow-Up After Virtual Appointments

You can send clients follow-up notes or supplement recommendations via text message or email using the Fullscript app. It’s also easy to set up automated follow-up emails to clients that summarize appointments and confirm the billing and insurance steps they may need to follow.

Ready to go more virtual and grow your practice with a virtual supplement dispensary? Using Practice Better and Fullscript in unison will get you conducting successful virtual consultations with clients in no time. Sign up for free!

Also, check out our Youtube ‘Using Practice Better & Fullscript to Maximize Client and Business Success’ for more tips!

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.