June 30, 2021

How Choosing a Niche Can Simplify and Scale Your Nutrition Business

How Choosing a Niche Can Simplify and Scale Your Nutrition Business

As a health professional, you’ve likely heard the advice that it’s important to choose a niche, but you’ve likely also wondered why is that and what is the benefit?

To help answer these questions we invited Laura Schoenfeld, Registered Dietitian, and Nutrition Business Mentor, to join us in diving into the benefits of choosing a niche and how it can help you simplify and scale your business. In this session, Laura walks you through five advantages that come with niching down and shares why they are impactful for both you and your client.

What We Covered

  • What a niche is and why it’s important that your niche solve a specific problem
  • How niching down can help you find your ideal client and become a go-to expert
  • How choosing a niche will allow you to create more compelling content
  • The impact that niching has on your ability to grow and scale your business, and create better results for your clients!

Implement Laura’s Strategies in Practice Better

Laura shared how one of the benefits of choosing a niche, which is the ability to create and refine specific systems and processes, can, in turn, allow you to get better results for your clients.

A great way to implement this in Practice Better is to utilize our note templates and protocol templates. You can easily create your templates once and use them over and over again with multiple clients, saving you time and creating a streamlined process. Having a niche makes this even easier, as you will likely have similar recommendations and resources that you share with most clients. As you continue to see more clients under the same niche, you can easily tweak and refine your templates as needed.

When you have a specific niche, you may also find that most clients ask you many of the same questions. Instead of re-typing your responses each time, consider using snippets. Snippets are a great way to quickly include frequently used blocks of content when messaging with clients, as well as when creating a variety of other resources in Practice Better, such as notes and recommendations.

Laura also shared the benefit of niching down in allowing you to build more scalable programs and utilize the one-to-many model. Practice Better’s programs features allow you to run both fixed-date and evergreen programs, as well as host group coaching calls and create a group chat feed to boost engagement.

Better Business Conversations with Laura Schoenfeld

Each month, our Business Success Coaches, host an interactive BBC YouTube Live, bridging together expert advice and Practice Better technology. Take a moment to watch the session with Laura below.

Video Duration: 42 minutes


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About Laura

Laura Schoenfeld is a Registered Dietitian (RD), women’s health expert, and business coach for integrative and functional dietitians and nutritionists. Her mission is to educate women on how to nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits, and to help nutrition professionals grow and scale a successful business.

Connect with Laura: Website | Instagram 

Get 50% off Laura's Profitable Nutrition Niche Workshop, with code BBC2021.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.