How to Earn a Full-Time Salary With Wellness Workshops

How to Earn a Full-Time Salary With Wellness Workshops

As a health and wellness practitioner, you may be wondering what the hype is all about when it comes to workshops and how you can use them in your business! That’s why we invited Kristen Ciccolini, Certified Functional Nutritionist and Founder of, to share all about how to earn a full-time salary with wellness workshops. Kristen not only dives into how to use workshops to build income streams but shares tangible strategies to ensure your workshops are a success.

What We Covered

  • The differences between in-person and online workshops, and the benefits of each
  • 5 creative ways to use workshop content to build your income streams
  • The 3 components that will make your workshops a success

Implement Kristen’s Wellness Workshop Strategies in Practice Better

Whether you’re running workshops in person or online, for corporate clients or a more casual audience, you can utilize Practice Better to implement an amazing session.

To set up a workshop in Practice Better, use our Group Service feature! This allows you to create your workshop as a virtual or in-person offering. For virtual workshops, you can make use of our seamless integration with Zoom which allows you to host a session with more than one client, as well as record the session.

Repackage Your Workshops as Automated Programs

One of the strategies Kristen recommended was selling a workshop series. This way, you can turn your hard work into an automated program that can make money for you. Create your workshop series in Practice Better by setting up a recurring availability slot for your workshop. You can then share the registration link to have clients register for a specific date within the series, or share the public booking link for the workshop itself to allow them to choose which date they’d like to attend.

Another option is to create a fixed-date program to facilitate your workshop series as this will allow you to set up a recurring series of group sessions that the client will automatically be registered for when they sign up. Using a fixed-date program would also be a great way to include workshops as part of a group challenge—another client-engagement tip that Kristen suggested!

Better Business Conversations with Kristen Ciccolini

Each month, our Business Success Coaches host an interactive BBC YouTube Live, bridging together expert advice and Practice Better technology. Take a moment to watch the session with Kristen below.

Video Duration: 34 minutes

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About Kristen

Kristen Ciccolini is the founder and content creator at, developing done-for-you content that helps wellness practitioners diversify their income streams and solidify their roles as experts in the wellness industry. She is a Certified Functional Nutritionist, marketing strategist, and passionate writer who has delivered successful wellness workshops to corporate clients across the world.

Sign up to get Kristen’s FREE workshop checklist (step-by-step checklist so you know exactly what to do before, during, and after your virtual workshop).

Connect with Kristen: Website | Instagram

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