March 1, 2022

How To Give Wellness Talks That Get You Clients Every Time

How To Give Wellness Talks That Get You Clients Every Time

Have you ever wondered how to use a wellness talk to get new clients? Maybe you’ve already been doing talks but aren’t seeing the results you hoped for? If this resonates with you, Amy Lippmann, Marketing Strategist & Founder of Marketing For Health Coaches, is here to guide you. We invited Amy on for this session to share how to give wellness talks that get you clients every time, even during a pandemic! She provides tangible strategies for running a successful wellness talk, as well as how to remedy common mistakes that many health and wellness practitioners make when giving talks.

What We Covered

  • Why giving talks is still THE best way to consistently get clients (and what you need to do differently now that the world has changed)
  • The best ways to market your talks to make sure people show up and they are well attended
  • The exact talk structure and materials you need to get clients every time
  • How to give a talk, packed with great content, that is designed to get clients hungry to work with you (without leaving you feeling salesy)

Implement Amy’s Strategies in Practice Better

You can schedule and run your wellness talks right from Practice Better using our group service feature! We also recommend setting up a tag automation to tag registrants from your wellness talk in order to keep them organized. Tagging the leads from your wellness talk will also allow you to easily nurture them and follow up about your paid offerings later using the broadcast message feature.

Another strategy that Amy recommended was creating a form to share with participants at the end of your talk, in order to have them opt-in for your freebie and invite them to work with you. You can facilitate this in Practice Better by using our forms feature, where you can create a custom form and share the link with participants at the end of your talk. As a follow-up, you can even set up a form automation to send your form to all registrants a certain amount of time after the session (ex. 1 hour or 1 day after the session).

Better Business Conversations with Amy Lippmann

Each month, our Business Success Coaches, host an interactive BBC YouTube Live, bridging together expert advice and Practice Better technology. Take a moment to watch the session with Amy below.

Video Duration: 60 minutes

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified about our next Better Business Conversations!

About Amy

Amy is a Marketing Strategist & Founder of Marketing For Health Coaches. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and after 5 years as a health coach, back in 2011, she merged her marketing roots with her passion for wellness by launching her company, Marketing for Health Coaches, where she’s helped thousands of health coaches and nutritionists successfully get clients, launch online programs, and grow their lists. Amy has used the exact methods she’s teaching in this workshop to build her business and to help hundreds of health coaches do the same.

Connect with Amy on her website or Facebook Group.

Looking for help finding new clients? Marketing Strategist, Amy Lippmann created a 30-day DFY marketing plan, designed to guide you through exactly what to focus on each day to get at least 5+ new clients. Simple, free marketing strategies that include fill-in-the-blanks marketing templates!

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.