Improve Efficiency and Organize Clients Using Tags

Improve Efficiency and Organize Clients Using Tags

As your practice grows, you want to ensure that you are giving your clients the care and attention they need, but it can be difficult to know where each client is on their health journey. Practice Better makes it easier to support a large client roster while providing a high-touch, personalized experience that clients love. This is where our Tags feature can come in handy–to help a client along their journey and update you on their progress with minimal effort on your part. 

What Are Tags?

Tags allow you to sort and group clients according to a specific attribute or action.  They can help organize clients and keep track of their progress and milestones, like when they’ve booked a service, completed a form, or when they’ve finished all of a program’s modules. 

Tags can allow you and your team to differentiate your clients based on location, a specific practitioner, or even quickly determine which programs and packages they enrolled in without searching through each client’s record. 

Example of using tags to organize your clients
Create tags to organize your clients

Assigning Tags to Clients

You can add Tags to a client's record in two ways. You can manually drag and add a previously-created tag onto a client's record from your list of tags. You can even choose to apply tags to multiple clients at once and apply more than one tag at a time.

Assigning a tag to a client
Easily drag and drop tags to a client's record

Instead of manually updating each client's tags, you can automate this process (something we love to do over here at Practice Better) to add, remove, and update tags on a client's record. You can update tags automatically via different triggers, such as filling out a form, enrolling in, or completing all modules in a program.

Example tag triggers
Tags can be triggered based on a myriad of actions that clients can perform

How to Leverage Tags to Reduce Your Admin Time

There are many areas of the platform where you can use tags. For example, if you are looking to categorize or segment your list of clients you can do so with tags. Sort clients based on location, practitioners, or program completion to quickly view crucial information at a glance. Then, once your clients are sorted, you can take any of the actions below.

If you're looking to send promotional emails, introduce a new program or collect feedback, this is an efficient shortcut to segment your client list.

You can use tags strategically to increase client retention by tagging them for a follow-up after they’ve completed a program and offering 1:1 services, or simply to check in on their experience. 

Invite Tagged Clients to a New Program

For any clients who have completed a program, you can then easily register them all at once into the next program to ensure that they can continue their client journey. When registering clients for a program, you can simply click the tag that they are categorized under instead of going through your clients and selecting them individually. 

Inviting tagged clients to a new program
When registering clients you can choose to select a tag and register all clients under that tag

Easily Collect Feedback With Tags

Using tags, you can collect valuable client insight to improve future programs. Tags allow you to gather feedback from clients who recently completed a program. Select a group of clients and collectively send them a form to learn what they loved and what they want to see in the future. 

Alternatively, sending a Broadcast allows you to request feedback from this tagged group of clients in the form of a private or group message. You can get creative with these messages, attaching files if you like, to increase the likelihood that they will reply. 

Using Tags to Create Group Chats

Another way you can use tags is when creating group chats. If there are clients who have all completed the same package or program, you can choose to add them to a group chat by selecting the appropriate tags. This means you don’t need to go through each client’s record and figure out who completed the program or had purchased a specific package in the past. Creating an alumni group for people who have previously completed your program allows them to access additional high-value support in a group format, helping and guiding each other along the way. For the well-suited client, this value-add elevates their program experience and increases the chance they continue to work with you and refer others your way.

Edit Access to Offerings Using Tags

If clients are in a specific region or only working with certain practitioners on your team, you can display different offerings that are available exclusively to them. If there are discounted services or packages for long-time customers that you wish to restrict access to, tags can also help you do so. To offer bespoke content to certain groups of clients, create a custom booking page, then choose to only show the page to clients with specific tags connected to their accounts.

Restrict access to booking pages
Restrict access to booking pages based on tags

How to Use Tags to Organize Team Members’ Clients 

If you want to ensure that your team members can only see the clients they work with, you can edit a team member's role to restrict access to specific clients based on tags. This setting allows your team members to easily find and access only their own clients. This is especially useful if you have multiple locations or if your customers only work with one specific team member.

Restricting team members' access to location based on tags
Restrict your team members' access to a specific location based on tags

With all the different uses for Tags, this is a feature you want to make sure you take advantage of. As your practice grows, you can still provide high-touch care by implementing some smart automations in Practice Better. Tags will help ensure you can quickly see what stage of the client journey your customers are in and tailor your workflow accordingly. Whether it's to organize and segment your clients or ensure that they only see the offerings that suit their needs, tags are a feature everyone can use.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.