May 12, 2021

Mobile App

Mobile App

Practice Better can be accessed by practitioners and clients on laptops and computers by simply navigating to the portal through an internet browser. We’ve also made Practice Better even more readily accessible to our users through our mobile app. Our mobile app is an extension of our web portal and any action that you can perform in the web portal can be achieved in the mobile app as well. Whether you are at the office, home, or on the go, the portal is at your fingertips on any device. Our mobile app, Better by Practice Better, is available to you and your clients on both iOS and Android devices:

Download for iPhone/iPad (requires iOS 11.0 or higher)

Download for Android (requires Android 4.4 or higher)

While our mobile app is a very convenient option for busy practitioners like yourself, it can also serve as a very powerful tool for your practice and ultimately, for your clients' success. The mobile app can also be used as an instrument to boost your clients' accountability and a means for them to feel more support and encouragement.

Since all the functions of the web portal are accessible on the mobile app, we’d like to highlight some key features on the mobile app that will make an impact on your clients' experience and success story:

1. Clients are able to log and track their food intake and lifestyle habits, no matter where they are.

The convenience of this feature can play a huge role in the consistency of their journal entries and therefore, how much insight you have into their daily behavioral choices and activity. Clients are able to enter their journal entries directly from the dashboard of the mobile app.

My Journals Widget from the Client Portal on the Mobile App

2. Clients are able to communicate with you through Secure Messaging on their mobile devices.

Mobile access to this feature will provide your clients with an increased sense of support as they work towards achieving their health goals. This feature can be particularly useful in building trust and open communication between you and your clients.

Secure Messaging in the Client Portal on the Mobile App

3. Clients can join Telehealth by launching the session directly from the mobile app.

Telehealth has become undeniably crucial to both practitioners and clients around the world recently; the ability to launch Telehealth sessions directly from a mobile device allows clients to reach you and your expertise wherever they are.

Launching Telehealth sessions directly from the Client Portal on the Mobile App

4. Clients can refer to informative documents, protocol instructions, session notes, and all shared resources at any given time.

Accessibility to your professional expertise is really key here, as a resource you’ve shared with a client can be the deciding factor in a momentary diet or lifestyle choice - and these choices can add up and ultimately change their overall level of success. The Better app can serve as a mobile library of your resources and expertise.

Accessing shared documents from the Client Portal on the Mobile App

5. Clients are able to view and actively engage in the programs that they have enrolled in.

Similar to the aforementioned features, access to the mobile app can also boost your clients' participation in your programs. The mobile app is such a great option for clients because it opens so many opportunities in group programs. The ease of access to programs may produce many benefits such as higher engagement or finding a group that they can share their stories and current journey with.

Accessing programs in the Client Portal on the Mobile App

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.