March 13, 2023

Program Topic Inspiration...Right in Your Practice Better Account

Program Topic Inspiration...Right in Your Practice Better Account

Post Updated [March 14, 2023]

If you're planning your next program and hoping to launch with an amazing topic that resonates with your audience, we have the perfect report for you to use to draw ideas and insight to make your launch a success! 

For this Feature Highlight blog, we dive into using the Form Response Summary to inspire your next program. This report gathers data from a completed form to consolidate answers clearly and efficiently. 

Let’s dive into how you can use Practice Better’s reports to better understand your audience, allowing you to create a meaningful program topic that connects with them. 

Is Data Analysis A Part of Your Marketing Strategy? 

Analyzing your data can tell you a lot about your audience. Spending time to sift through your insights can help drive your business forward and Practice Better's reporting features make it easy to navigate. Here are a few benefits of analyzing your data: 

  • Develops your understanding of your target audience 
  • Uncover valuable insights such as trends and changes in client behavior 
  • Allows you to accurately measure success and determine if you need to make any adjustments

If you're not currently using reporting to influence your marketing strategy, there is still time to start! Read on to learn how the Form Response Summary Report can help you uncover helpful client insights. 

Using The Form Response Summary To Influence Your Offerings

Are you getting ready to launch your next program but want to ensure your topic resonates with your audience? Or, likely you’re intimidated and overwhelmed at the idea of creating your own program from scratch and need some inspiration. The Form Response Summary is the perfect report to gather valuable insights to inspire your next program. 

Form Response Summary
Run our Form Response Summary to view form answers.

For example, you could send your past program participants or prospects a form inviting them to select the topic that resonates most with them. Next, create a Form Response Summary Report using answers from your completed form to discover the most popular choice. Acting on creating a program you know is a sought-after topic can help increase conversion and engagement! It’s a win-win.

Bonus: You can also use the reporting filters to hone in on form answers from a particular date or client cohort for further efficiency:

Report filters
Use our report filters to get the exact information that you need.

The Benefits Of Collecting Client Insights

If you're in the health and wellness space you're likely passionate about helping and improving other people's lives. Collecting client feedback helps amplify this mission! There are two main reasons why sending a form to collect insights is an effective marketing strategy. 

  1. Higher Retention Rates: By inviting clients to share their feedback and using their opinions to shape your Program, you increase customer satisfaction, which impacts the likeliness of them becoming long-term clients.  
  2. Improved Engagement: Including your clients in the pre-launch phase of your next Program (through a form) will show them that you value their opinions. This will positively impact your relationship and increase their interest in your future program! 

These are only some of the reasons to include your clients in the planning portion of your Program. Our community of engaged and helpful Practice Better customers are always discovering new ways to use the software and sharing their insights in our private Facebook Group. 

Are you a paid Practice Better member and want to join the community? Join us!

Creative Ways To Use The Form Response Summary

You'll be able to analyze your data in a few different formats depending on the response format you use in your form. 


Your responses will be available in a chart form for the following form response formats: checkbox, scale, yes/no, multiple choice, and numeric, which can help provide more context and allow you to draw patterns and insights. This view offers a quick and easy way to summarize your form responses by percentage! 

Responses to certain question types may include an accompanying chart.

Tip: You can also click on the expand/collapse button in the top-right corner of each question to view and filter by response:

Filtered responses
Filter responses by question
View the short answer responses from the Form Summary Report.

Word Cloud

Are you wondering if there’s a common belief or theme among your clients? Do you feel like you’ve been seeing many of the same complaints lately and want to see if that topic would make a good program or lead magnet? For short answer responses, word clouds highlight frequently used words in your form in a visual way. Depending on your questions, the Word Cloud can help identify common trends like expectations, symptoms, health goals, etc. This tool is an excellent resource to inspire your next Program topic! 

work cloud example
View of a word cloud.

Check out this video to learn how to leverage the word cloud for client insights.

Using Insights To Drive Business Decisions 

Whether you're an entrepreneur or a dedicated team member at a private practice, you play a role in the success of your business. If you're looking to scale but need to complete an audit of which programs, packages, and services are the most lucrative to help you determine where to allocate your time, read on! 

You can use a completed form and the Form Response Summary Report to influence your next big move. For example, uncovering key answers from your clients on questions such as, "Why do you want to work with me" can help you determine which offers deserve most of your time and effort. These valuable insights can help you make necessary shifts to help scale your practice. 

checkbox questions
View of Checkbox question responses from the Form Summary Report.

Track Your Results Over Time

Take your reporting and analytics to the next level by saving and exporting your reports to compare results by time periods, client groups (Tags), or team members to extract statistics on your business goals and progress.

download your report
save your report

Inspiration For Your Next Program Awaits 

Practice Better’s reporting features provide impactful insights to help improve your business strategies and client success!

Take advantage of the Form Response Summary Report to develop a better understanding of your audience, uncover collective client themes to help kick-start your next program topic, and spend your time on things that drive your business forward. 

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.