June 3, 2021

Reminder Notifications

Reminder Notifications

Session reminder notifications are a simple way to profoundly impact your business, client experience, and client success. As a practitioner, automated and customizable reminders will streamline your workflow and allow you to focus your energy on what you do best:  Coaching. While our mobile app is a very convenient option for busy practitioners like yourself, it can also serve as a very powerful tool for your practice and ultimately, for your clients' success. The mobile app can also be used as an instrument to boost your clients' accountability and a means for them to feel more support and encouragement.

An example of a Session Reminder email

You can create reminder notifications to help personalize your client interactions and share pertinent information with your clients prior to the session, such as expectations, next steps, or directions. Reminder notifications can increase your session attendance rate too. They will keep your clients aware and prepared for upcoming sessions and in this way, can become an effective way to increase client accountability. Since reminder notifications are customizable, you can use them as a communication tool, to engage and elevate your clients’ experience by adding your personal touch.

Practice Better allows you to send both SMS reminders and email notifications to your clients. You can create multiple reminders and customize your reminder schedule to send SMS and email reminders based on your preferred times and even configure reminder notifications for yourself. You can set up and adjust your reminder method and schedules in the Bookings and Cancellations section.

Customizing your Session Notification schedule

To learn more about your Booking & Cancellation Settings, click here!

Personalizing Your Default and Custom Reminder Email Templates

By default, your session reminder email template will include basic information regarding your client’s upcoming session. This information will be delivered to your clients based on your reminder schedule.

Default Upcoming Session Reminder template

Reminder email notifications can be personalized on two levels on our Pro, Plus, and Team plans. You can customize your default reminder email template to include a standardized message that applies to all your services and clients by editing your default Upcoming Session Reminder template.

Customizing default email templates

To learn more about customizing your default email templates, click here!

Practice Better also gives you the ability to even further customize your reminders by allowing you to tailor your reminder template per service. This is a great option if you want to create reminders that complement a particular service that requires client preparation, instructions, or specific requirements. Service-specific reminder email templates will override the default Upcoming Session Reminder template.

You can edit your service-specific reminder notification templates within your service, under the Notification Options section.

Customizing service specific email notifications

In this section, you can also choose to modify your reminder schedule for this particular service. This will override your default reminder schedule for this service only.

Customizing your service-specific reminder schedule

Sending Additional Reminders

We’ve automated email reminder notifications so there is less for you to keep track of but there may be times when you like to send an additional reminder to your clients. You always have the option of sending an additional reminder to your clients by navigating to your client’s session and clicking on the More Options button > Send reminder.

Click on the More Options button (three dots) to send your client an additional session reminder

Sending Reminders to Book Sessions

If you would like to remind your clients to book a session, you can do this by sending them an invitation to book a specific service. If your client has an existing package and you would like to remind your clients to book a specific session from this package, you can do this by selecting the package you would like them to book from.

Sending a reminder to book from an existing package

To learn more about sending clients a reminder to book a standalone service or a session from a package, click here!

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.