April 22, 2018

Streamlining Your Health Coaching with Amanda Buse

Streamlining Your Health Coaching with Amanda Buse

We’re excited to introduce you to Amanda Buse, a Functional Medicine Health Coach. Amanda uses Practice Better to help streamline her professional practice so she can help more women suffering from Autoimmune Diseases.

As a Functional Medicine Health Coach, Amanda empowers women with Autoimmune Diseases to find relief from their symptoms naturally so that medications can be minimized. She provides her clients with natural solutions that actually work and simple diet and lifestyle changes that offer vast improvements to their health.

Amanda is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and The School of Applied Functional Medicine. She has studied with some of the world’s top Health and Wellness Experts and takes a holistic approach with her clients.

Amanda understands that every client is unique who has their own unique food and lifestyle needs. Amanda is making huge differences in the lives of the women who otherwise thought there was nothing that would provide them with relief.


We asked Amanda how Practice Better has impacted the way she works and supports her clients; this is what she had to say:

Amanda: Practice Better has allowed me to streamline my health coaching practice by giving me an online hub for my business. Everything is all in one place and on one single site. It is less hassle for myself and for my clients. It’s helped me to organize my business online and step away from paper files and clutter.

Which features do you use the most?

Amanda: I use the scheduling and video session features the most because that’s the very foundation of my business. These tools help keep me organized and provide a professional appearance to my clientele. I love how I can type up notes online during the session and have them send automatically to the client when the session ends and they are saved in the system for my future reference.

What has been the feedback you’ve received from your clients using Practice Better?

Amanda: My clients enjoy being able to do video sessions so we get that personal connection and being able to get notes from their sessions right away. I had several clients comment on the professional presence of my business once I switched to this platform.

What would you say to other practitioners who are considering using Practice Better?

Amanda: Other practitioners definitely need to start using Practice Better today to save time and headaches. It will make their business more organized and professional. Do yourself and your clients this favor!

You can follow Amanda's amazing work on Facebook at Amanda Buse Health Coach or on Instagram @amandabuse__.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.