March 17, 2021

Customer Spotlight: The Living Proof Institute

Customer Spotlight: The Living Proof Institute

We spoke with Sachin Patel and Dipa Chauhan-Patel about running The Living Proof Institute, which offers personal and corporate health solutions through patient education, dietary and lifestyle consulting, exercise prescription, and advanced functional laboratory testing. They love working with practitioners who are heart-centered and focused on personal and practice development.

Can you please tell us a bit about your team, who you are, what your team offers, and who you work with?

We have two arms to our business. One is direct patient-facing where we offer functional medicine and health coaching services.  We have a functional medicine practitioner and health coach who works with our clients.  We love working with clients with metabolic disorders, hormone imbalances, and difficulty losing weight. The other arm of our business is practice management coaching.  We work with functional medicine practitioners, health coaches, and alternative care practitioners to help them grow and scale their businesses.

Who is your team composed of?

Our team is composed of functional medicine practitioners, health and life coaches, practice management coaches, and administrative support.

How did you decide to transition from a solo-practitioner practice to a team/integrative practice?

We knew early on in our business that we wanted to grow and expand our team. That process started when we moved back to Canada after starting a practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. We were fortunate enough to have a colleague who believed in our vision and mission to bring functional medicine to the world. Once we moved back to Canada, our team expanded and grew.

What are your favorite features on the Practice Better platform that allow you to collaborate with one another?

We love being able to work together as a team and share notes with one another. We also really love the journal function and messaging platform in Practice Better.

Most importantly, we can have a clear snapshot of where the client is on their journey, how many visits they have left, and how they are progressing in their program.

What is a typical workflow for your team when onboarding a new client?

The client books a discovery call appointment with our practitioner directly from our website application. Once they become a client our admin staff adds the appropriate package to the client's profile.

How has collaborating with multiple practitioners via Practice Better positively impacted your client outcomes?

It allows all practitioners on our team to work more efficiently and collaboratively.  Our services are package based and there are different services offered with different practitioners (ie: health coaching vs functional medicine-based appointment).

Where can our community go to learn more about your team?

We are available on Instagram, @thesachinpatel and @dipachauhanrph, and on Facebook The Living Proof Institute.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Sachin and Dipa!

You can learn more about The Living Proof Institute by visiting their websites and

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