December 19, 2021

Work Smarter, Not Harder with Practice Better

Work Smarter, Not Harder with Practice Better

At Practice Better, nothing lights us up more than hearing from our community members about all of their successes and how the platform has supported them in getting to where they are! With 2021 coming to a close, we thought it was the perfect time to connect with a few practitioners in our community to learn how Practice Better has impacted their businesses this past year and helped them work smarter, not harder.

In this post, we are profiling four of our amazing Practice Better community members:

  • Monica Boyer is a Ketogenic Health and Wellness Coach, and a Certified Life Coach
  • Derrick Harshberger is a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Senior Yoga Teacher
  • Aqiylah Collins is a Traditional Naturopath who utilizes food, energy work and pelvic steams for womb health
  • Darryl Roberts is a Naturopathic Doctor

Read on to hear why these practitioners love Practice Better, and how the platform helps them work smarter, not harder!

Can you share how your experience with Practice Better has helped you work smarter, not harder, and supported business growth?

Monica: I can’t even begin to express how this program has helped me, with both scheduling and financially. Before Practice Better I had to use about 10 different software programs and stay up until about 3am in order to give my clients the service Practice Better provides with automations and technology.

Derrick: Customized templates and forms, all allow for a much smoother work experience; there is less time hunting down forms, collecting payments, making sure contracts are signed and completed with Practice Better. By saving time on admin, I can focus more on delivering a better product.

Aqiylah: Programs allow me to take commonly encountered scenarios and questions and put them into a tutorial, shaving the time spent explaining routine steps and ideas. Keeping every client interaction in one place just makes sense for not only privacy but continuity. Templates save time and provide consistent messaging to the client. Tasks help me and my clients stay on top of getting things done.

Darryl: I have several protocols that I use often. They are there made in advance and when the situation arises I can assign that to a client without having to do it from scratch. That makes life much easier.

What is the biggest game-changer for time efficiency you’ve experienced when using Practice Better?

Monica: The automatic billing, payment plans, and subscriptions. You have removed any financial barrier between me and my clients. Providing the capability of payment plans and structure. The Auto drip and spoon-feeding capability. You remove all excuses to get healthy for my clients. Automations, invoicing, and most importantly, the fact you listen to us when we have needs and suggestions!

Derrick: Creating templates and forms, that can be sent directly to the client’s email that they can fill out online. Having a system that collects payment at booking as well. Clients are more likely to show up to an appointment they have already paid for. Lastly, the integration with other calendars that anonymizes the client is brilliant.

Aqiylah: The ability to keep all of my client data, forms, notes, protocols, and conversations in one place has changed everything in my practice!

Darryl: I've recently discovered courses. They have been there the entire time but now I am starting to use them. Putting protocols together is one thing but when I can put them in a course to guide the client along, use tasks and assignments and get feedback my time is used much more wisely.

What is your favorite client engagement feature in Practice Better?

Monica: I love that it keeps me in tune with my clients 100% of the time. I don’t have to worry about social media shutdowns or tech issues. I always have access to my clients. Nothing happens in between my coaching service and the success of my clients.

Derrick: The ability for clients to fill out forms online, that we can then add notes to is such a time saver!

Aqiylah: I have several favorites - tasks, templates, and journals top the list.

Darryl: Telehealth video chat and personalized protocols. They are the bedrock of my practice.

How would you describe Practice Better to a friend or colleague?

Monica: It’s the life of my company. I am serious about that…. It is my left and right brain! It allows me to shine as a coach and do my job to change people’s lives. I have used every program in the book and finally have found the key to surpassing my coaching goals and my financial goals. You have taken me from a coaching business as a hobby to a 6 figure thriving practice that is changing lives.

Derrick: Many practitioners forget that a client’s first engagement and impression with us is in our online platform; meaning we need to have an efficient, professional, and easy process for clients to make a booking online. By having automated, customizable forms for clients to fill out before their meeting sets the professional tone for the rest of the client’s experience with us as wellness workers. Our time and knowledge is the product; whether it be our time with clients or our time developing programs, it’s a precious commodity. By using Practice Better, not only am I saving a lot of time on admin headaches, I’m also setting a professional tone for the client and working more efficiently. Practice Better is worth every penny spent!

Aqiylah: Practice Better is an amazing tool for supporting your clients and streamlining your practice!

Darryl: I describe it as a “One Stop Shop”. Everything that you need is all in one place and you can change plans as your needs and practice grow.

Thank you so much to Monica, Derrick, Aqiylah, and Darryl for taking the time to share with us!

Connect with Monica by visiting her website or Instagram.

Connect with Derrick by visiting his website or Instagram.

Connect with Aqiylah by visiting her website or Instagram.

Connect with Darryl by visiting his website or Instagram.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.