A Simple Blueprint for a Successful Group Coaching Program
December 19, 2023
Whether you’re starting to explore how to build an online course as a component of future-proofing your business, or you’re expanding your suite of online offerings, there are some key steps to work through. We’re diving into each of them below, offering practical advice and proven frameworks you can use to set yourself up for long-term success.
When thinking about your participants’ journey in your program, it’s essential to be clear on who you’re helping. While it’s tempting to offer programming that appeals to a wide variety of clients, it’s in your best interest to niche down to an ideal client profile for your online course. That’s because staying too high-level makes it harder for people to see how the content is relevant to their lives. For example, offering a group coaching program around adopting healthier nutrition habits raises questions around the type of habits and what “healthier” means in practical terms. Conversely, an online program focused on balancing macronutrients to help women experiencing perimenopause take better control of their symptoms makes it clear what to expect.
Ideally, you want to offer highly targeted content to a specific participant type who is motivated to address a distinct problem and achieve a measurable outcome. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you define your ideal audience:
Once you have a clear sense of the main problem you’ll be solving and for whom, it’s time to begin exploring the topics your online group coaching program will cover.
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If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the entirety of content you could possibly include in your program, you can use the following strategies to narrow down your focus.
You’re consulting with clients in 1:1 sessions all the time. This can be an opportune time to ask them what kind of programming they wish was available or if there are gaps in their knowledge they’d love to fill. If it feels inappropriate to bring up in the actual session, you can always follow up with a feedback form or survey after the fact.
Your practice management platform should have reporting and analytics that uncover key themes you can use as inspiration for creating your online courses. For example, the form response summary report in Practice Better lets you pull reports around client responses on any forms you’ve created, like your intake form. It also generates a handy word cloud so you can instantly visualize where clients need the most help. So, if a large number of new clients indicate that they suffer from bloating on their intake forms, you could look at how to build an online course around everyday eating to reduce bloating.
The beauty of offering online programs is the ability to reach a more geographically diverse group of clients with similar needs. There are free tools out there that you can take advantage of to get a pulse on the questions people are seeking answers to when it comes to improving their health and wellness.
It’s important to point out that while these tools can give you a better idea of the general population’s thoughts, concerns, and questions around your area of focus, the user base is not necessarily representative of your entire ideal audience. These tools should be used in conjunction with other validation methods, like the direct client feedback described in the previous section.
It’s a good idea to check out what your top competitors are offering in the realm of online group coaching programs. Assess whether there are gaps in their content that you can bridge with your own offering or if there’s a content tilt you can lean into that will differentiate your offering from other programs out there. For example, imagine one of your competitors is offering an 8-week, self-directed Intuitive Eating online course that promises to get clients back in touch with their innate body wisdom. Can you up the ante by adding a guided meditation element and the ability to connect with like-minded peers through a Group Chat?
Understanding what else is out there for your ideal clients to take advantage of can help you refine your offering to stand out from the crowd.
Before you start designing your group coaching program, you should aim to gain a clear picture of what clients will achieve upon successful completion. This not only helps you articulate value to potential participants in your online course description, it provides a blueprint for structuring the course content and ensuring it’s focused on achieving the right objectives.
If you’re looking for more inspiration on setting and storyboarding learning objectives, you can borrow tricks from the professionals who build meaningful instruction every day. Bloom’s Taxonomy and the ADDIE Model are two popular frameworks to check out.
Once you have your learning objectives locked in, you can move on to creating a more detailed framework for your online program. Here are a few areas to consider:
Take a peek at how Lexy Penney of Lexy Penney Nutrition and Wellness develops her online program content along with strategies she uses to keep clients motivated.
With your content mapped out, it’s time to move on to how you will deliver it to program participants. There are a lot of moving parts inherent in how to build an online course. So we’ve compiled a list of questions to ask yourself when you’re working through the finer details.
You can approach creating your content in a bunch of different ways. Which formats you ultimately choose will depend on your comfort level, technical skills, time, and more. Here are a few common formats to explore:
No matter which formats you ultimately decide to pursue, consider adding closed captions to improve accessibility.
Will your content be delivered via a Facebook group, emails, e-course platform, or directly from your EHR? The delivery system you choose will dictate the type of program materials you can include in your program. For example, a Facebook group is great for engagement and building community but doesn’t allow you to easily deliver and organize documents or resources. Using an e-course platform may make sense for delivering video content and handouts, however, you’ll need to direct your participants to a separate platform and it won’t be part of their health record if they turn into a client.
Investing in a secure and reliable technology infrastructure allows you to deliver your online programs through the same platform you run all other aspects of your practice. It also protects the privacy of your clients and offers the scalability to easily handle traffic so your program is always accessible to program participants in the moments that matter.
That’s where Practice Better comes in. Practice Better has a powerful, flexible, and customizable Programs feature that allows you to run and report on your online courses in the same awesome HIPAA-compliant platform that powers your 1:1 sessions.
If you’re not a Practice Better customer yet and you want a walk-through, schedule a demo with our Sales Team.
You can choose from a few different formats:
Note that when you’re determining the intervals for dripping program content out to participants, you will need to take into account overall program length and module depth. A daily cadence may work for short programs/challenges, but can be overwhelming for programs that are longer than 7 days. The goal here is to find the balance between providing enough support and overwhelming participants with content they struggle to keep up with and remember. Don’t be afraid to experiment–this process may take some trial and error to figure out.
What can you do to ensure your participants are accountable not only to you, but to themselves? Consider setting clear tasks for your participants with due dates or a weekly progress form. If you’re using a practice management solution to deliver your online courses, make sure it has built-in tools you can easily incorporate into the content to encourage accountability and daily habit sharing – such as journaling and worksheets.
Coaching calls are another great way to boost accountability, which can be done in a one-on-one or group format. Or stay more at arms length by setting up a group chat that lets clients in your group coaching program easily connect and share wins and challenges in an online forum that you moderate.
Get more motivation inspiration over here: Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Clients Motivated.
You’re getting closer to launching your online program, but before you can take it to market, it needs a name that resonates and a price that your target clients can swallow.
You can start by conducting market research to see what similar online and group coaching programs are charging. You can also adopt a proven pricing strategy as a starting point, and then adjust based on the perceived value of your course and market demand. In the beginning, stay attuned to price sensitivities and adjust, if needed, based on demand, client feedback, and your program delivery costs.
Once you’ve worked out all of the details of your online program, it’s time to market your online course!
A well-written and beautifully designed landing page is a powerful tool you can use to attract your ideal clientele and increase conversions. Here are a few reasons why you should have a sales page for your next program:
It’s very exciting to be on the cusp of launching your online group coaching program. But before you get out there and start promoting it, make sure you’ve determined how you’re going to measure and track your participants’ progress. It’s key to plan this ahead of time because you’ll not only want to set out some specific markers of progress to help map out the journey, but you’ll want to build in tools to track their success.
When considering what type of data to track, don’t forget to return to your learning objectives from earlier to make sure you’re measuring against those goals. You can look at both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Qualitative measurements track the quality of something vs. the quantity and are more subjective in nature. For example:
Quantitative data tracks quantity, or numbers, and is more objective. For example:
Now that you’ve determined what you’re going to track, next decide how and when you’ll track it. What tools and formats can you use to measure the qualitative and quantitative outcomes you chose? Some great options are:
Practice Better lets you keep an eye on each client’s progress in a program and provides enhanced reporting that brings the insights you need together in one place.
It’s completely normal to be excited about a new idea for an online program, and that makes it tempting to launch as quickly as possible. It’s in your best interest to pause and consider how to create online courses that will resonate with your ideal clients and deliver the level of value that drives happy outcomes and more referrals.
Giving yourself the gift of time to create a clear and detailed blueprint for your online program is the first and most essential step for your business growth. The key planning steps outlined in this article will go a long way towards setting you–and your clients–up for long-term success.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published on March 14, 2023, and has been revamped for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.