Collaborative Care Teams: How Health Coaches Support Patient Outcomes

Collaborative Care Teams: How Health Coaches Support Patient Outcomes

The need for collaboration in healthcare

Healthcare is often conducted in silos, with little, if any, communication between providers. It's not rare for people to see several specialists at once. Each may prescribe treatments or medications without knowing what the others are doing. This may lead to confusion for the patient, loss of motivation, over-medication, and a lack of comprehensive care.

A collaborative health team can provide a more holistic approach. It can reduce confusion, assess treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. Functional medicine health coaches, trained through the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA), can help the multidisciplinary team, bridging the gap between providers, fostering collaboration, and offering a personalized approach.

The role of health coaches in collaborative care teams

A collaborative health team is a multi-specialty team. It includes various allied health experts. They work together for comprehensive patient care. Collaborative teams consist of primary physicians, like family doctors and OB-GYNs. They also include nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health coaches, dietitians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and clinical psychologists. 

Each specialty helps the patient feel their best and manage their health. A collaborative health team can effectively communicate with one another, improving results, empowering patients, and lowering costs.

Health coaches are an essential part of the collaborative care team. They can serve as behavior change specialists in functional medicine practices. They take the providers' recommendations and ensure patients can follow the treatment plan. This reduces confusion, empowers patients, and can help ensure the success of the plan.

Bridging communication for better care

A functional medicine health coach can also bridge communication for health teams. They can help convey providers' intent to patients. But, they can also share the patient's wishes with the providers. This helps providers create a personalized care plan. This 2-way communication is key to successful health outcomes.

Functional medicine health coaches can greatly improve the healthcare system. They can do this by enhancing communication within an individual practice. Lifestyle-driven chronic conditions are rising. Mental health issues are soaring. There's a growing shortage of primary care doctors. Our aging population has multiple health issues that need management.

These demands limit physicians’ time with each patient. They are also not well trained to address lifestyle changes. Health coaches can help fill this gap to support the care plan. They are trained in lifestyle change and communication skills. They can offer affordable, effective, preventative care that lowers healthcare costs. 

Personalizing wellness plans with functional medicine health coaches

Functional medicine health coaches are vital to the collaborative health team. They work at both brick-and-mortar and virtual practices. The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy helps train health coaches through its online health coach training and education programs. 

The functional medicine coaches are behavior change specialists who receive extensive training in communication skills. They guide clients to their "ah-ha" moment. So the client can commit to changing their lifestyles. 

Coaches use specific methods to change clients' behavior. These include motivational interviewing, positive psychology, and mindfulness. Other essential skills include rapport-building, deep listening, and open-ended questioning.

The focus on communication lets the client voice their concerns. It ensures a person-centered approach. Coaches can also help identify issues that may not be communicated to the healthcare providers who are often more focused on the important job of making diagnoses and creating treatment plans.

When a coach works with a client, the wellness plans are co-created by the coach and the client. They recognize that the client is always in the “driver's seat”. They help each individual determine what’s right for them at this point in their journey. The client then commits to changing their lifestyle behaviors at their own pace and in their own unique way, and the coach can act as the change facilitator

The growing importance of health coaching

The goal of coaching is to help people become empowered to create better lifestyle habits that support their goals. Clients gain self-efficacy. They feel empowered to take charge of their health.

Health coaching is one of the fastest-growing professions in healthcare. Insurance companies are starting to reimburse many coaching services. Coverage is predicted to expand as research continues to prove the effectiveness and cost-saving advantages of coaching. 

The FMCA Health Coach Certification Program prepares students with the training, experience, tools, and expertise to hit the ground running as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) in 12 months. With FMCA's strong alumni network, graduates can improve their communities' wellness.

The curriculum offered by FMCA prepares students to establish meaningful connections with clients and collaborate with practitioners through advanced research and techniques presented by our industry’s most influential experts.

FMCA is the only Health Coach Certification Program designed in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). It is also fully approved by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) and the UK & International Health Coaching Association (UKIHCA).

health coach, client care

Functional medicine health coaches are vital. They bridge traditional healthcare and patient-centered wellness. This leads to better outcomes and lasting lifestyle changes. Learn how to enhance your practice by using functional medicine health coaches with Practice Better. It can help clients achieve lasting wellness. Explore our platform today.