Earn Passive Income Through Direct-to-Patient Supplements

Earn Passive Income Through Direct-to-Patient Supplements

A blog in collaboration with Fullscript

Updated December 9, 2022

Any health and wellness practitioner who’s worked 1:1 with clients knows that feeling when they’re following up with a client who hasn’t bought their supplements yet. It can be discouraging, to say the least, when a client you were excited to follow up with is no further ahead because they couldn’t find the brand you recommended. Or worse, they buy the wrong product and start taking it instead. 

Since many practitioners have moved their practices online, stocking an in-person dispensary may not make sense (and also for a number of other reasons, like the overhead costs required and taking inventory). A virtual direct-to-patient supplement option can work well for the remote practitioner. This blog from Fullscript outlines the advantages of direct-to-patient supplements and how they can help build your business–something that our integration with Fullscript makes easy!

Getting Supplements to Patients Quickly and Easily

There is a critical time period between when you create a plan and when your patient starts taking action. So many things can get in the way of your client or patient successfully beginning and seeing through your protocol or plan. Motivation can wane, and excitement can turn into stagnation. Virtual dispensaries have solved this problem, bringing direct-to-patient supplements to practitioners, allowing them to sell supplements to their clients without having to set up their own e-commerce website. 

And you want to make sure your client is getting the good-quality product you recommended, and not something random they bought from the internet. 

Virtual Dispensaries Benefit Practitioners and Their Patients

Today, it's easier than ever to get top-quality supplements directly into the hands of your clients. Virtual dispensaries like Fullscript help practitioners increase client accountability by removing the need to shop in person, spend time sifting through labels or visit multiple stores to find the right supplements. According to an annual study by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), 77% of US adults take supplements. With a steady increase in online shopping and high demand for supplements, it makes sense to explore this option for your practice. 

While direct-to-patient supplements benefit clients, practitioners can also reap the rewards. For example, when you sign up for a Fullscript account, you have the opportunity to enroll in a profit account and earn passive income on every online supplement order.

Case Study: Running a Virtual Practice with Direct-to-Patient Supplements

If you want to see what this business model looks like in action, check out our case study with Fullscript featuring Lauren Papanos, RDN, and her business Functional Fueling Nutrition. We hope it inspires you!

Why Passive Income Matters

Passive income consists of extra income streams that don't require your constant attention or effort. Like e-book or program sales, passive income is generated hands-off over time. Read on to learn about the top five benefits of offering online health supplements, and get started on earning passive income!

The Top 5 Benefits of Offering Online Health Supplements

Supplement stores online, like Fullscript, allow you to provide reliable direct-to-patient support. Investigating how to sell health supplements online is easy when your practice management software is integrated with an online dispensary. With access to thousands of products and a hands-off shipping process taken care of by Fullscript, this is an option your patients can get excited about.

1. Increase Client Retention

Whether you’ve implemented client retention strategies or not, offering online supplements is an efficient way to increase and maintain client loyalty. Client retention is the ability to keep existing clients over time and is often represented by the number of purchases they make. Not only does having access to a variety of high-quality supplements set your practice apart, but it also adds another layer of client care. All in all, the convenience of Fullscript supplements will keep your clients satisfied and, as a result, your retention high. 

2. Earn Incremental Revenue

When you add products or services outside your typical 1:1 visits, for example, and begin to generate sales, you've earned incremental revenue. Having additional revenue streams like earning passive income from your Fullscript supplements sales will set your practice up for success in the long run. We get it–diving into new ways to earn passive income can seem intimidating. However, if you're already making daily supplement recommendations, little additional work is required to integrate your Fullscript account with Practice Better. Read on to learn more about how you can start earning passive income when you create a Fullscript dispensary.

3. Discover a Variety of Products

With 450+ brands, more than 20,000 high-quality products, and an easy-to-use search function, finding high-quality online supplements and personal care products has never been easier. With access to explore the complete catalog of wellness products, your patients won't have to waste time browsing store aisles for specific supplements. Plus, Fullscript’s evidence-based resources can help improve client health education and support their health journey. These resources can also encourage your clients to explore "the why" behind your supplement recommendations. When you encourage a patient's learning, you unleash or increase their passion for improving their health!

Remember, everyone's journey to optimizing their health is unique. Similarly, there's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and your clients will appreciate Fullscript’s robust product selection!

4. Clients Can Receive Savings

Everyone is happy to save a few dollars. With more people being money conscious, knowing they can receive savings on health supplements may pique their interest. In addition, the cost of supplements can be a significant barrier to supplement plan adherence, and rising medical costs can discourage patients from accessing supplements and other wellness products. Fullscript makes it easy to save your clients money when you set up a no-profit account, distributing your profit into savings for clients. 

On the other hand, if you have a profit account, there are a few ways to set your clients up to receive savings. For example, you can set up a discount for all clients or individual people! You can even incentivize their first purchase by offering a first-order discount. Eager to increase sales around the holidays? Offer a promotion on Cyber Monday to entice clients to follow through with their supplement orders! Regardless of your Fullscript account type, you're in control of any savings clients receive when they purchase their health supplements online through the Fullscript dispensary.

5. Help Keep Patients Accountable with Direct-to-Patient Service

Direct-to-patient service for wellness products makes it easier for clients to add your recommended products to their daily routine faster. Clients will feel empowered to improve their health with quick access to supplements and become accountable for their health. By removing the need to shop for their supplements themselves, you help direct their complete attention to implementing your protocol. 

Did your client finish their order? With automated refill reminders, clients will know when they need to order their next batch of wellness products to continue working toward their wellness goals. As a bonus, automated refill reminders improve supplement plan adherence rates! 

In addition, Fullscript takes care of the proper shipping and handling of all products. If a product requires refrigeration, Fullscript ensures it remains at the right temperature. As a practitioner, you don’t have to worry about storing the products properly or having them expire on your shelves.

How to Get Started Recommending Health Supplements Online

Getting started is easy! To sign up for a free Fullscript account:

  1. Head to fullscript.com to sign up for $0/month
  2. Provide a few details 
  3. Upload your certification(s) 
  4. Start exploring Fullscript right away

After you sign up for an account, Fullscript will review your certification(s) and notify you when you’ve been approved. Once your account is reviewed and approved, you can start processing orders!

Practice Better’s Seamless Integration with Fullscript

Seamlessly integrate your Practice Better EHR with Fullscript in just a few easy steps. View this article for a quick overview.

How to Add Fullscript Recommendations to Protocols

Once you've linked your Fullscript account, you'll be able to add Fullscript supplements and products to your Practice Better protocols. Check out this article on how to search your Fullscript catalog, compare products, and check product availability before sharing protocols with your clients.

The Bottom Line

Fullscript is a powerful, free integrative medicine platform offering access to personalized treatment planning, active wellness support, and healthcare’s best supplements and personal care products.

Adding Fullscript’s virtual supplement store to your practice can improve adherence rates, profit margins, and the well-being of your patients. Plus, the ease of ordering supplements might spark excitement about your client's health! 

Integrating your Practice Better EHR with Fullscript can be done in just a few simple steps. Have questions? Fullscript’s world-class Customer Success Team is here to help.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.