September 7, 2023

How to Create and Customize a Professional Invoice

How to Create and Customize a Professional Invoice

Updated September 8, 2023

Invoices are vital to your business as it allows you to track and collect payment for services rendered to clients.

In Practice Better, we provide the tools to create and customize professional invoices that can be sent directly to your clients through email. These are online invoices which means the client can pay the invoice directly without the need to download or print.

Customizing Your Invoice

Taking the time to customize invoice headers and footers can help personalize and relay all necessary information to your clients. Creating an invoice template that will automatically be applied to all invoices will save you a lot of time.

Here’s an example of how you can set custom invoice headers and footers for all invoices in Practice Better.

Invoice Settings

Automated Invoicing

If your client is booking a service online through your booking page, you can require billing information at booking or even require payment. In this scenario, instead of receiving an invoice to pay, your client will automatically receive a receipt for any payment collected.

Collect Online Payments Automatically with Practice Better Payments

In addition to easily creating invoices, Practice Better makes it simple to securely collect payments to your invoices.

Instead of debating between Stripe vs Square vs Paypal for collecting payments for your programs, products, and services, Practice Better allows you to accept online payments with its built-in billing feature, Practice Better Payments.

Manual Invoicing

For services you're scheduling yourself, you'll see prompts for your next steps including a quick way to create invoice for the service you just scheduled.

Invoice Next Steps.png

The invoice will automatically pull in your customized header, footer, and the fee for the booked service. By default, invoices are due as soon as possible but you can use the Summary field to add a specific due date.

Invoice Summary

Practice Better makes it easy for you to edit the invoice before you send the invoice to the client or process the payment. When editing the invoice, you can click Add line item to add additional products or services such as supplements or physical goods. By default, these will be added with a quantity of one and will display the unit price so you will need to enter the desired quantity.

Once you are finished editing the invoice you will have a few options for your next steps. At the top right you will see options to Save the invoice as a draft, Send the invoice to the client via email or if you have their credit card on file, Process the payment.

Invoice Options.png

If the client provided an alternative payment method such as cash or insurance, you can click on the 3 dots and click Record a payment to record any external payments.

Invoice Options 2.png

Payment Plans

Depending on the price of your service, you may want to offer the option for different payment terms. You can create a custom payment plan for individual clients which will either charge a credit card on file or automatically send invoices at set intervals.

Reviewing Invoices

In your Billing & Payments tab under My Practice, you will find all of the invoices for all of your clients, which will include fully paid, partially paid and outstanding invoices. At the top right you will see a Filter option which will show you only the claims you want to see.

Invoice Filter

Learn more about creating and editing invoices in Practice Better in order to ensure your invoices look professional and you stay on top of your finances.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.