September 12, 2024

The Path to More Bookings is Paved with Automated Google Reviews

The Path to More Bookings is Paved with Automated Google Reviews

We seek them. We trust them. We love them. We're talking about reviews, those digital assurances consumers crave when deciding everything from where to eat dinner to who to turn to for health and wellness support. 

Here are two big truths about reviews: 

  1. Most consumers consider them important factors in determining whether to trust a local business. 
  2. Google is the kingpin of review sites, with 79% of consumers saying they spend the most time reading Google-based reviews. 

The allure of Google reviews isn't surprising when you consider the platform serves them up directly through its massively popular search engine and Google Maps. It's equally understandable why so many health and wellness practitioners want to generate Google reviews to help with new client acquisition.

If you have a virtual practice, you can still get reviews without a Google Business Profile. You may send a Broadcast Message (Plus or Team plans) or use a Task Automation to send out a link to review your practice.

A powerful organic marketing tool

Rachel Caven of Caven Nutrition Group is a big fan of using Google reviews in her marketing mix. 

"80% of our clients find us through Google," says Caven. "A lot will say, 'I just Googled, and you had the best reviews.' Google reviews are also very important for SEO. And if you have a physical location, it is essential for your Google Maps listing."

In a nutshell, Google reviews make it easier for potential clients to find and trust you:

  • Visibility. Amassing more Google reviews with positive ratings helps your business appear higher in local search results.
  • Credibility. Google users automatically have the option to look through user-generated reviews. This offers a hit of unbiased social proof to help drive decision-making.
The Google Business Profile for Caven Nutrition Group with the Reviews tab circled in red.
  • Authenticity. As a business, you can (and should) respond to reviews, but you can't edit or remove them. Negative reviews will appear along with positive ones unless they violate Google's policies. This gives Google reviews a legitimate edge over the more curated testimonials on your branded website. 

How to get Google reviews working harder for you

Your business needs a Google Business profile associated with a physical location to use Google reviews. Claiming your profile isn't enough to make it rank well in local search results. It must also be accurate, complete, and engaging so that future clients can easily find you through search.

If you’re already a Practice Better customer, you can turn on automated Google reviews for free over here. If you aren’t using Practice Better yet, try it free for 14 days

Psst: if you need help optimizing your Google Business Profile, check out this comprehensive guide

Once your profile is polished, it's time to ask your clients to leave reviews.  

~ Insert record scratch ~

Wait…what? Ugh. Asking for reviews feels icky

Healthcare and sales can sometimes feel incompatible. While you can wait and hope your clients spontaneously leave glowing Google reviews, Rachel Caven finds that asking them will get more of that 5-star goodness rolling in. 

"Everyone is busy and forgets to do things – even the things they want to do," she says. "A simple reminder email can easily increase your reviews."

If the mere thought of asking for reviews feels like a distraction at best and awkward at worst, good news: there's an automation for that. 

Automate the awkward out

Practice Better takes the ick out of the ask by automating Google reviews. Keep reading to understand the simple steps required to get automated reviews working for your business. 

A quick note before you dive in. Some practitioners operate under regulatory bodies that prohibit asking clients for Google reviews or testimonials. You should check with your regulator if you're unclear on your eligibility. If you still have doubts after seeking clarification, it's best to get qualified legal advice before proceeding. 

Step 1: Set up your locations

Practice Better pulls location addresses directly from the Google address widget. 

Screenshot of the Practice Better interface showing pre-populated business locations.

If there’s no address, or you select one that lacks a valid Google Place ID, you’ll get a notification that it can’t be used for Google Review requests and prompted to look for a valid location. 

Screenshot of the Practice Better interface showing an error message that a location can’t be used for Google review requests.

Step 2: Customize your review template

Practice Better includes default templates for requesting a session review. One is for email, and one is for SMS. Both are editable to ensure your Google review request sounds like you. 

Screenshot of the editable email template for automated Google review requests in Practice Better.
Screenshot of the editable SMS template for automated Google review requests in Practice Better.

Step 3: Set up the automation

There are a few steps to customize your automated Google review requests to your needs. Note that if you're operating a group practice, you can trigger automations for specific team members or everyone. 

Screenshot of the Practice Better interface showing the Create Automation pop-up.
  • Select your default location. If the Google review ask is associated with an in-person session, it will default to that session location. If it’s a virtual session, it will use the default review location associated with your profile. 
Screenshot of the Practice Better interface highlighting the Default Review Location.
  • Pick your triggers. You select which services will trigger the Google review request. For example, you could choose after an initial meeting or a follow-up consultation. 
Screenshot of the Practice Better interface highlighting options for triggering the Google review automation.
  • Get the timing right. You also choose a buffer period. This determines the amount of time you’d like to have between the end of a session and sending the Google review request.
Screenshot of the Practice Better interface highlighting the buffer period options.
  • Set the frequency of review requests. Practice Better also lets you customize the frequency of Google review requests. Whether you prefer to prompt clients after every session, monthly, or just once – the choice is yours. 
Screenshot of the Practice Better interface highlighting the options for frequency of Google review requests.
  • Choose your delivery methods. You can choose to send your automated review requests by email, SMS, or even both. 
Screenshot of the Practice Better interface highlighting the delivery options.
  • Relax and let Practice Better generate reviews for you. Once you’ve made your selections and customized your ask, Practice Better will automatically send requests to clients going forward in a familiar format.
Screenshot showing what a customized Google review request email looks like from a client’s point of view.

Once a client clicks the Review link in the email or text they’re taken to the exact location in Google where they can leave a review for your business. 

Screenshot showing the review box in Google where a client arrives after clicking the Review button in the request email.

Get reviewed, get boosted, get booked

Asking clients for Google reviews doesn’t have to be awkward when you get your EHR to do the heavy lifting. Bonus: automating the ask frees you to focus on creating exceptional experiences that earn more of the 5-star reviews that help your business shine in a noisy marketplace. 

If you’re already a Practice Better customer, you can turn on automated Google reviews for free over here. If you aren’t using Practice Better yet, try it free for 14 days

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Google Business Profile to get Google reviews?

Yes, you do. Learn how to set yours up over here.

Can I ask for Google reviews?

It depends. Not all regulatory bodies allow practitioners to solicit client reviews and testimonials.  Check with your regulator or consult a qualified legal professional to be sure.

I can't ask for reviews. How can I turn this feature off?

You don't need to do anything. This feature must be turned on in Practice Better to be active.

Will Practice Better ask clients for reviews after each session?

Only if you want it to. You can customize the frequency of asks when you set up the automation.

What happens if I get a bad review?

Google will only remove reviews that violate its policies. If you want to safeguard against negative reviews, you can solicit client feedback before you trigger the review request. Practice Better includes an automation to send a feedback form. You can then flag clients sharing positive sentiments and send them a broadcast message with a Google review request. 

Does using Practice Better automated Google reviews cost extra money?

Nope. It's included free with your Practice Better subscription.