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Dawn Aiken on Switching EHRs for More Collaborative Team Work
Boise, ID
Customer Since

Acute Care Cardiac Nurse Practitioner Dawn Aiken was looking for a more affordable and user-friendly EHR.

Nurse Practitioner Dawn Aiken’s experience working as a frontline provider in Idaho’s largest acute care hospital inspired her to start her own virtual functional medicine practice to help patients worldwide combat and reverse the harmful effects of cardiovascular disease.

After starting out on a traditional inpatient clinical EHR, Dawn quickly became frustrated with the poor usability and high cost associated with it. She knew if she wanted to scale her business, she’d need to find a more user-friendly and cost-effective solution.

Switching EHRs for a more efficient workflow

After discovering everything she was looking for in Practice Better, Dawn knew it was time to switch EHRs. Despite not being very tech-savvy, making the transition was surprisingly easy.

Once Dawn had made the switch, she set up automations to make her workflow more efficient. She automated tedious tasks like appointment reminders, onboarding forms, and more. These automations have been the equivalent of a personal assistant for Dawn and her team.

“Practice Better has helped me scale my business and offer my services to people around the globe. The services I offer are life-saving, and I couldn’t have made such a significant impact on so many people without the technology and the support of Practice Better.”

Making it easier for clients to schedule appointments and communicate with their practitioner

Practice Better integrates with Dawn’s website, which makes it easy for her clients to schedule appointments. Dawn has also embedded her packages on her website, which has saved her time and money as she doesn’t have to hire someone for web design or waste time trying to work with faulty plug-ins.

With Practice Better, Dawn and her team can set every client up with their own client portal that they can access anywhere – whether that is on their laptop, PC or phone via the Practice Better mobile app. Using Practice Better’s secure, HIPAA-compliant messaging features, client communication has greatly improved.

A more connected, effective, and collaborative team

Dawn doesn’t run her practice alone. In fact, she has a growing team of practitioners who work together to deliver higher-quality care.

Using Practice Better’s Team plan, Dawn’s team is able to collaborate and share programs and forms, saving team members time from having to set up everything from scratch. Dawn feels great knowing that her team members don’t need to recreate the wheel in order to provide great patient care. With an increased feeling of “togetherness,” the team feels stronger.

When I started my functional medicine business, I chose an electronic health record that many other functional medicine practitioners use. It was a mess. Then someone suggested Practice Better, and it’s like a breath of fresh air.”

Providing more accessible care with programs.

By using Practice Better’s programs feature, Dawn’s team has been able to turn their services into programs that are more affordable and time-efficient for clients. Programs allow Dawn to educate clients on how to improve not just their health but also their mindset. They are automated and module-based, so patients can process the material on their own time, at their own pace, and refer back to it as needed.

A more efficient team workflow that has supported more than 300 clients worldwide.

As Dawn continues to scale her impact locally and globally, her story serves as a testament to the power of technology to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

Through her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to patient care, Dawn has significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of her practice while streamlining administrative tasks, improving client communication, and fostering seamless collaboration within her team. For Dawn and her team, the sky is truly the limit.

“Practice Better has helped me scale my business and offer my services to people around the globe. The services I offer are life-saving, and I couldn’t have made such a significant impact on so many people without the technology and the support of Practice Better.”
Dawn Aiken
Nurse Practitioner

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