March 17, 2024

How a Social Worker Secures Client Communication (and More!)

How a Social Worker Secures Client Communication (and More!)

At a Glance
Jemese Drewery


Hallsville, MO


Trauma Therapy


Social Worker





At Practice Better, we believe in providing the tools you need to achieve better outcomes for your business and your clients. Whether you’re a dietitian, therapist, or other dedicated wellness provider, Practice Better is a one-stop shop for your virtual business management needs. But you don’t have to take our word for it; we love it when our clients share their unique experiences.

Jemese Drewery, MSW, LCSW is a dedicated Trauma Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Grace Abides Christian Counseling. She has dedicated her career to helping women overcome and cope with trauma.

We spoke with Jemese about how she has used Practice Better to streamline and strengthen her business practices, improve client satisfaction, and enjoy more success. Below are 5 ways implementing Practice Better has been a game-changer for her practice.

It Streamlines the Process

When Jemese started her online private practice, she quickly realized the need to streamline and consolidate her business needs. Before discovering Practice Better, Jemese was juggling at least five different platforms to run her business. As a solo practitioner, managing all of these individual systems was challenging.

Jemese told us she was looking for a software solution that could provide a single place to manage all my clients' needs. “I wanted a platform where I could receive payments, handle contracts, and have secure communication and document storage,” she noted.

As she considered her options, Jemese explored various client management tools and Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions, like Honey Book and Simple Practice. However, she found that she was still managing multiple logins and unable to consolidate everything onto a single platform.

That is until she found Practice Better, which Jemese says has helped her build a legitimate business and consolidate all of her needs into one platform.

It Simplifies Billing and Scheduling

Practice Better simplifies the billing and payment process for mental health professionals by offering integrated billing features. It allows you to generate invoices, accept online payments, and track billing information seamlessly.

This helps reduce your administrative burden, ensure smooth financial transactions, and allow you to focus on what’s most important to you: helping your clients.

In addition to enjoying better financial processes, Jemese feels confident in delegating tasks using the platform.

She recently hired a virtual assistant to help with her administrative workload, including schedule management. With the Plus Plan, assigning admin rights in Practice Better is made simple with just the click of a button.

Jemese noticed that other platforms she experimented with didn’t offer calendar synchronization unless she paid for their top-tier plan.

She says, “As a solo practitioner, paying for the expensive enterprise plan didn't make sense.” This meant she was left to manage multiple calendars, which as many of us know isn’t sustainable regardless of the reason.

It Ensures Security and Compliance

As a health professional, you know that compliance is essential. All client communications through Practice Better, including telehealth and secure chat, are HIPAA, PIPEDA, PHIPA, and GDPR compliant.

This feature is something that Jemese highlighted as invaluable in her client care. She noted that her clients feel safe and confident working with her through the app and the client portal, which is how it should be.

In fact, she says, “I have never had a client ask me anything about privacy, which is a testament to the trust they have in Practice Better.”

Jemese told us, “As a mental health professional [providing telehealth sessions], it is mandatory that the platform is legally secure and 100% protected.” Furthermore, she appreciates the option to use Zoom calls for everything else that doesn’t require that degree of protection, a flexibility she hasn’t found in other platforms.

It Allows Opportunities to Expand

If you’ve been used to only using your EHR platform for one thing, Jemese points out that this isn’t the case with Practice Better. One of the main things she loves about it is that she can run courses and programs through Practice Better in addition to providing telehealth sessions.

The primary goal of her programs is to foster an understanding of mental health through psychoeducation. For example, if she has a client who needs help establishing boundaries in a relationship, Jemese can create specific, self-paced programs tailored to address this issue.

Her client can then go through these programs at their own pace to receive the support they need. Jemese notes that offering programs and courses through Practice Better in addition to telehealth sessions offers her clients different levels of access to reach out to her, which is a “huge win for mental health professionals.”

Furthermore, she says, “Before Practice Better, I was using so many different platforms to organize that kind of material.” She continues, “Now, I can have my clients simply book and set up an account in their portal, giving them access to everything they need without signing up for another account or having multiple logins.”

Not only does this make things easier for everyone, but it offers opportunities for Jemese to expand her practice in other ways. She’s also hoping to focus on programs to create passive income opportunities for her business to grow.

It Builds Community

While the age of virtual healthcare can sometimes feel isolating, Practice Better aims to help providers continue to strengthen their networks when using the platform.

Jemese feels a strong sense of community within Practice Better that keeps her connected with other practitioners. She says the Facebook Inner Circle group has been incredibly helpful. Here, she can connect with other Practice Better mental health counselors through a group chat where they share tips and ideas.

Most importantly for Jemese, she’s able to cultivate a community of her own and communicate more effectively. She’s able to keep in touch with everyone she’s worked with by sending broadcast messages through the platform, a simple way to stay connected and share updates.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.

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