June 26, 2024

Reliability, Sustainability, and One Tool to Run Your Practice

Reliability, Sustainability, and One Tool to Run Your Practice

In her hospital and mental health nursing work, registered nurse Lindsey Hutchings was frustrated by the shortage of counseling services for patients. People could get appointments and diagnoses only to go without much-needed counseling and psychotherapy.

To address that shortage, she started a private virtual practice and began creating resources to help patients and non-patients alike improve their mental health. She uses Practice Better to share her resources and tools efficiently, build additional revenue streams, and in her words, “make quality mental health care accessible to all.”

Meet Lindsey

Lindsey Hutchings, a Registered Nurse and Psychotherapist, runs LAH Counseling & Psychotherapy in Ontario. Since 2021, she’s blended her nursing expertise with therapeutic insight to provide effective mental health care. Lindsey’s entirely virtual practice focuses on serving mothers.

Given the high value of her patient resources, she needed a way to deliver courses, assign tasks, send files (and know which she’d already sent), and earn passive revenue by delivering valuable, scalable programs and services. She knew how badly virtual session drops, freezes, and poor video quality affect patient experience, so she also needed a solution that offered her and her clients rock-solid stability. And she wanted to do all of this in one place — with a single app and one login.

“I wanted a platform that can run my practice — but a single tool, not a bunch of different logins. With Practice Better I’ve found the one place where I can go, log in, and I've got everything I need to manage my clinic.”

Making the Switch

Before discovering Practice Better, Lindsey used a different EHR. However, she found that the tool was seriously lacking in some significant ways. To start with, she couldn’t build, host, or run her programs and courses inside the app. She also found that the other platform suffered from frequent outages and downtime that negatively impacted her ability to meet with her clients and respond to their needs. When the platform was up and running, she wasn’t terribly happy with the video quality. She was ready to explore her options and find a better way.

She knew she needed a totally reliable platform with top-notch video quality. While there’s never a good time for an outage when you're running a telehealth practice, some of the downtime she ran into with her previous EHR came at the worst possible times. She realized she needed to prioritize performance and uptime with her new EHR.

She heard from colleagues that Practice Better had the best video quality and fewer dropped calls. What she found was that Practice Better has delivered 100% telehealth uptime over the last year alone. So customers like Lindsey can focus on their work without the hassle of any technical disruptions.

Delivering Better Care to More People with Programs

Lindsey is also a mother of two young children (she just returned from maternity leave), and she knew she wanted to build a passive income stream. She loves her work but admits that it can be mentally draining. Building self-paced programs can boost her income without sacrificing her family time and mental health.

Lindsey had already created a free course, “Stress Less, Live More: The Ultimate Guide to Stress Management,” to share important information without constantly needing to repeat herself. Stress hormones, deep breathing techniques to calm the central nervous system, and other topics help clients and non-clients alike do positive mental health work at home, outside of regular therapy sessions.

Emotions can run high during sessions, making it difficult for people to remember what they’ve talked about or even retain much of what was discussed. The self-paced stress management program helps clients relax, knowing they can find what’s been shared later in their Practice Better account.

When she noticed herself repeating information to many of her patients, she developed more resources that she could share with clients as needed. She built evergreen content about how the stress response works, why deep breathing is effective for reducing anxiety, and what to do when depression leads to chronically high levels of stress hormones. Her goal is to make this information more accessible through the programs she builds inside Practice Better, so she can spend less time explaining and more time focused on caring for unique patient needs.

Get More For Your Practice

More than anything else, Lindsey wanted to find one app that she could use to run her whole practice. With robust client features like telehealth, secure messaging, tasks, and programs, and practice management tools like scheduling, payments, and file sharing, Lindsey found Practice Better had everything she needed to manage her clinic all in one place.

By switching to Practice Better, Lindsey found a reliable, secure platform that supports her goals of increasing revenue and building a sustainable practice. The programs she’s built have enabled her to create passive income while also providing access to valuable resources. Practice Better continues to be an essential part of Lindsey’s mission to provide high-quality mental health care while balancing her professional and personal life.

Lindsey's Top Tip

Create homework tasks to help clients remember key points from their sessions, set these tasks to recur if needed, and help your clients stay on track between sessions without overextending yourself.

See for yourself. Set up a demo to learn how you can support clients between sessions with tasks, programs, file sharing, and more.