December 19, 2023

Customers' Favorite Practice Management Software Features of 2023

Customers' Favorite Practice Management Software Features of 2023

If you’ve ever visited our About Us section you’ll see a promise stamped right at the top of the page.

You’re committed to rebalancing the health and wellness of your clients.

We’re committed to helping you get there.

We take this commitment very seriously. And because we’re a platform built by practitioners, for practitioners, we’ve walked in your shoes. So, we make sure to evaluate every new feature through the lens of whether it will simplify how you run your business and increase your impact.  

Our customers’ favorite features of 2023

Of all the practice management software features Practice Better added in 2023 we were curious which ones were the favorites. So, we went right to the source: our community of dedicated practitioners. Their top five picks are summarized below.

If you’re an existing Practice Better customer, we hope you are finding these features useful in your day-to-day business. For those who aren’t a part of our Practice Better community yet – welcome! If you’re looking for a better way to scale your practice on your terms, read on to learn how our practice management software can help you work more efficiently, support clients better, and unlock your growth potential.

Honorable mentions: That Clean Life integration and AI Charting Assistant

If you’re a Practice Better customer, you’ve likely seen that we added two new features at the end of this year. They weren’t included in our survey because they were released in December, but we know they’re already a hit with our customers.

That Clean Life integration

Our integration with That Clean Life allows our customers to insert their nutrition plans right into the Practice Better platform. Adding recipes, collections, and templates right into a Protocol or Program saves valuable time for both practitioners and their clients.

Check out the demo video here:

AI Charting Assistant

Tired of spending countless hours finishing your paperwork? The AI Charting Assistant helps you focus on your clients, not your notes, saving precious time in the process. The AI Charting Assistant adds summaries in the format of your choosing (narrative, point-form, or SOAP notes) right to your client notes.

Here’s the demo video:

Autosave and Version History

On a scale of “oops” to “I feel the overwhelming urge to ugly-cry,” losing your unsaved notes is right up there with accidentally dropping your car keys down a sewer grate.

That’s why our practitioners love the Autosave and Version History features, which work with notes, protocols, forms, and program modules.

How it works: Practice Better automatically keeps track of updates whenever you save your changes. To restore a version from the last 60 days, navigate to the Notes or Protocols section of a client’s file and click the More Options menu, which is indicated by three dots. Select View version history.

 Screenshot of how to view version history in Practice Better

Choose from the list of versions displayed. You can also restore deleted resources from your Settings & Preferences > Activity page.

Screenshot of the Practice Better interface displaying the version history of initial consultation session notes.

Why our community loves it: If you’ve ever worked in Google Docs, you’ll know how awesome it is to have access to your version history. This practice management software feature is invaluable for those times you want to compare present work to past or even go back in time and revert to a previous copy of your work.

Automatic Tracking of Telehealth and Zoom Session Durations

Sure, you could set a timer or alarm on your smartphone to track the length of a telehealth session or to remind you to end on time. But it’s far more convenient to let your practice management software automatically do it for you.

How it works: Practice Better tracks the length of a telehealth session based on when you start and end it. You simply click the Start Session button at the beginning and End Session button when it’s over.

Screenshot of a telehealth session in Practice Better displaying a duration of 17 minutes.

If you’re using Zoom, the duration of sessions is also auto-calculated according to when you start and end the meeting.

Screenshot of an appointment in the Practice Better portal with the Start Zoom meeting button highlighted.

Why our community loves it: Having an accurate session duration displayed on your screen helps to keep you organized and running on time:

  • Precisely calculate your hourly fees
  • Ensure sessions don’t run over time
  • Easily create Superbills or CMS forms  

Apple Health Integration

Tracking the data generated by wearables is a proven way to elevate your client care. So, it’s no wonder that our community collectively cheered when we introduced our Apple Health app integration in May.

How it works: This integration syncs the health data in a client’s Apple Health app directly into the Lifestyle Journal in Practice Better. This includes data from other wearables linked to the Apple Health app, like the Oura Ring or Garmin Smartwatch.

Why our community loves it: The benefits of the Apple Health app integration are impressive:

  • Free clients from manual data entry – The integration removes friction from the process of gathering accurate lifestyle data. It also frees you from chasing clients to see if they are following treatment plans.  
  • Use data to drive impactful discussions – Objective data helps you break through the subjectivity cycle of asking clients about their daily health and wellness habits. By analyzing things like activity level, water intake, and sleep patterns, you get a holistic view you can use to have more informed discussions around progress and recommendations.
  • Personalize protocols – Accurate data helps you personalize client protocols to provide more targeted care. Recommendations are more precise, and you and your clients can clearly visualize success through the Practice Better portal.
  • Improve accountability – Tracking a client’s patterns through their wearable will provide a constant reminder of their goals and progress. For example, if you’re working with them on sleep hygiene, you can compare current results to targets and track long-term trends to see how far they’ve come. You can also add comments right in the portal to course correct behaviors (e.g., Remember to get off screens an hour before you turn in) or cheer them on (e.g., Way to go! You’ve slept 8+ hours a night for a week straight).

Practice Better Payments

Getting paid shouldn’t be the hardest part of your job. Practice Better Payments streamlines the process by integrating billing and payments right into your Practice Better account.

How it works: Practice Better Payments is powered by Stripe, but it’s different from the previous Stripe integration some of our customers used for payments. Stripe still handles the secure processing, transmission, and storage of sensitive payment information, but you no longer have to log in to a separate account to manage your payments and transaction data. Everything is now accessible through your Practice Better portal.

Any customer can sign up for a Practice Better Payments account if they are in a Stripe-supported country.

Why our community loves it:

  • Getting paid is simpler – No more toggling between different processor dashboards. Everything you need to invoice, collect, and track payments is in Practice Better.
  • Security is guaranteed – Count on end-to-end encryption and PCI compliance keep your client’s sensitive credit card details protected.
  • Flexibility is baked in – Practice Better Payments gives you the tools to let clients pay the way that works for them – and you. Securely collect invoice payments and take payments online, including requiring deposits during the booking process.
A screenshot of an Initial Consultation booking interface in Practice Better where payment is required up front. 

You can also set up flexible payment plans if you’re on the Pro, Plus, or Team plan. And if you see clients face to face, you can use the Practice Better terminal reader to accept in-person payments via credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

  • Insights are plentiful – Enjoy automated, unified reporting across your online and in-person payments through the payments dashboard right inside your Practice Better account. No more leaving the platform.

Have more questions? Check out our comprehensive Practice Better Payments FAQ.

Availability Enhancements

Your schedule is busy, so you should be able to customize your calendar to suit your needs. Our community appreciates the ability to set a custom description and color for 1:1 session availability.

How it works: You can easily edit your availability and color choice in My Availability and My Schedule > My Calendar.

You can also set up a default service method when booking sessions on behalf of clients – In Person, Online/Video Chat, By Phone or a combination of the three.

A screenshot of the Edit Availability practice management software feature.

It shows in-person sessions associated with the color blue.

Why our community loves it:

Associating a custom color and description with your 1:1 session availability makes it super simple to differentiate between your availability slots.

We’re Just Getting Started

This article only skims the surface of the robust practice management software features offered in the Practice Better platform. You can take all the features and functionality in the platform for a test drive by taking advantage of a 14-day free trial.

If you’ve only got a few minutes (9 minutes and 31 seconds, to be specific) check out a quick 10-minute walk-through video.

If you’d like to browse the full list of the new and upgraded Practice Better features for 2023, check out our Release Notes.

Practice Better is the complete practice management platform for nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness professionals. Streamline your practice and begin your 14-day free trial today.